Hello all, I have today decided foolishly to take a look at my intermittant fan problem and funny click, click, click, whirr sound that the recirc switch makes. I fixed the fan issue (again), but the recirc thingy..... I took (Eventually) the whole glovebox section out from underneath the passenger airbag. Found a little box on the side of the fan housing making the ticking sound, about the size of a packet of fags. Unscrewed this with the worlds smallest screwdriver... Found that all of the plastic cogs have been completely shredded! I did however find the pollen filter and replaced it with a part from GSF car parts for £8 inc - Bargain. Anybody know anything about these cogs? - Do I need a new unit? - Can I get replacement cogs from somewhere? - Is one from a scrappy likely to be much the same? A lot of questions, but a heck of a lot of swearing today, and yes, my knuckles are bleeding... :) Andy