ECU Software upgrade

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by bash_your_arse, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. I have a '97 306 XSi that has issues with cold stalling. I have tried all
    sorts of remedies and 3 garages can't find any physical fault. It has been
    suggested to get the software updated at a Peugeot dealer. Before I visit my
    local dealer to experience their 'excellent customer service' has anybody
    any good or bad experiences of a software upgrade?

    Thanks in advance.
    bash_your_arse, Jan 31, 2006
  2. bash_your_arse

    Joop! Guest
    Joop!, Feb 1, 2006
  3. bash_your_arse

    cookacat Guest

    cookacat, Feb 4, 2006
  4. bash_your_arse

    daddyfreddy Guest

    As far as I'm aware Peugeot are meant to upgrade the software free of
    charge if there are known bugs with the current version. Not sure
    otherwise, but it will take them all of no time to do anyway. Don't
    expect Pug dealers to do this automatically when the car is serviced,
    they didn't with one of mine which had software issues and as a result
    gave out high emissions and making passing Mots a nightmare.
    daddyfreddy, Feb 5, 2006
  5. bash_your_arse

    cookacat Guest

    Thanks for the info. In an ideal world Peugeot would do this, but as it's
    well outside it's warranty I know I'll have to pay. As long as it cures my
    cold starting problem I don't mind paying the software update fee.

    I'll give it a go tho'.
    cookacat, Feb 5, 2006
  6. bash_your_arse

    goldpound Guest

    Even after warranty they should have to do it free for because it
    should have been done within the warranty period. That's providing
    there is a known problem with your current software of course.

    Going back to your fault, don't give up thinking that there is not a
    faulty component in your injection system. I've plenty of experience
    with garages and they have failed to spot the obvious. Many times I'm
    pretty sure they don't even bother lifting the bonnet and just make up
    some crap when you turn up. They are only interested in standard
    servicing and pushing as many units as they can through their service

    Go and get yourself a cheap handheld fault code reader and try and
    diagnose the problem from there.
    goldpound, Feb 5, 2006
  7. bash_your_arse

    cookacat Guest

    I got a Gunsons unit late last year as it was stalling whenever it felt like
    it. It flashed up the code that indicated that the O2 sensor was broke. Got
    the O2 sensor replaced. Now it stalls when it's cold. I have replaced the
    stepper motor, put in a new temp sensor, checked for vacuum leaks (me and
    two garages), and I'm getting very annoyed with it now.

    I know there are problems with Sagem ECU's. I have to get the ECU out to
    check the make. If its a Sagem, then see if it's fried and replace coils and
    get the ECU repaired/replaced. If it's not a Sagem, the to Peugeot for an
    ECU upgrade.

    I will get it fixed. I will get it fixed..............
    cookacat, Feb 6, 2006
  8. bash_your_arse

    G Cadman Guest

    Someone posted a link to a centre that tested ECUs recently. Does anyone
    have that link?
    G Cadman, Feb 8, 2006
  9. bash_your_arse

    Tim Jenkins Guest

    Try Avilec in Southampton - they tested mine for £30.
    Tim Jenkins, Feb 12, 2006
  10. bash_your_arse

    Tim Jenkins Guest

    or try or
    Tim Jenkins, Feb 12, 2006
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