FAP particular filer

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tih Hansen via CarKB.com, May 11, 2005.

  1. ok it may well be a weak pump or you may be losing your high pressure from
    somewhere else.Right when the vehicle doesn't start get a multimeter on
    the rail pressure sensor(the x3 way red one on the rail) .one pin is 5volts
    feed from the engine man ecu ,ones a earth,the last one if the output from
    the sensor ,this is the one we need .At cranking the output should be
    1.2/1.3 volts this then we prove the sensor is ok.With it still in the none
    start state on top of all the injectors you will have rubber leak off pipe
    ..(On all peugeots number 1 cylinder is the flywheel end) On all injectors
    (EXCEPT CYLINDER 4 INJECTOR) the leak off pipe has 2 outlets one to the
    left,one to the right.Start with number 1 cylinder injector to the right of
    it ,it will have a very long return pipe back to the main fuel return pipe
    ,pull this off from the injector and clamp it off .then on all the other
    injectors pull of the rubber leak off pipes ,with all the pipes off get
    someone to crank the engine over then you should get 1/2 drops or slow
    dripping out of ALL the injectors .check that no injectors are pissing out
    if one is thats where you are losing your high pressure from .If 1
    injector is faulty or more they stand out like a sore thumb .Ive known one
    to two injectors max to be faulty but no more than this.This is where you
    may be losing your high pressure from,as it can mask a h/p pump problem
    which has caught out a few peugeot technicians.... all the best mark
    MARK via CarKB.com, Jun 12, 2005
  2. Hi Mark,

    Pressure sensor is ok.

    I carried the procedure that you described, with the injector return piping.

    It seems that, only the return hose for the injector mounted on cylinder 1,
    has a amount of fuel coming out of it.

    I fact when cranking the engine, there is coming a constant flow of fuel
    out of it.

    It is not dripping but more then that.

    Have we found the fault?
    Do I need to replace only this injector?
    Can I repair it?


    Tih H via CarKB.com, Jun 12, 2005

  3. Hello mate you need make sure you clamp this one and pull it off no1
    injector .As you look at top of injector its the one on the right the long
    one (gearbox end ).Also its imperative its in the none start stage or else
    you will get quite a bit of fuel coming out. let me know how you get on ...
    MARK BANKS MT via CarKB.com, Jun 16, 2005
  4. Hi Mark,


    Yesterday i replaced the faulty no. 1 injector with a new one.

    This morning the engine started without any delay or problems :)

    Mark, thanks a lot for helping me out with this one.

    Do you think that the other 3 injectors will get the same fault in a short

    Tih H via CarKB.com, Jun 16, 2005
  5. Hi tih.... n/p any time i don't mind helping people out.Its doubtful the
    other injectors will just get the same fault to be honest( saying that you
    never know with cars!) no seriously i haven't had/heard any go faulty in such
    a short space of time.... keep smiling mark...
    MARK BANKS MT via CarKB.com, Jun 16, 2005
  6. Tih Hansen via CarKB.com

    Nom Guest

    What an excellent thread !

    I love it when a plan comes together :D
    Nom, Jun 17, 2005
  7. cheers mate...:)
    mark banks mt via CarKB.com, Jun 17, 2005
  8. Tih Hansen via CarKB.com

    Nom Guest

    Mark, are you aware you can post directly to this newsgroup, and bypass the
    CarKB.com thingy that you're using ?

    Go get yourself an accuont at http://groups.google.co.uk/ - we are
    alt.autos.peugeot :)
    Nom, Jun 20, 2005
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