Flashing airbag light problem and MOT

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Sean, Nov 14, 2004.

  1. Sean

    Sean Guest

    Hi guys,

    My 306-TD has frequently suffered from the apparently well known flashing
    airbag light problem caused by some sort of loose wiring under the driver's
    seat. This was apparently "fixed" during my last service.

    However the problem has reoccurred and I have an MOT coming up. Would this
    problem classify as an MOT failure?

    Sean, Nov 14, 2004
  2. Sean

    Mindwipe Guest

    : Hi guys,
    : My 306-TD has frequently suffered from the apparently well known flashing
    : airbag light problem caused by some sort of loose wiring under the
    : seat. This was apparently "fixed" during my last service.
    : However the problem has reoccurred and I have an MOT coming up. Would
    : problem classify as an MOT failure?
    : Thanks,
    : Sean

    Mindwipe, Nov 14, 2004
  3. Sean

    Buccaneer Guest

    As I understand it there is wiring under both front seats. On my 406 one
    was done and the other went a year later. I believe there is a connector of
    some description that has to be removed and the wires soldered together
    Buccaneer, Nov 14, 2004
  4. Sean

    Sean Guest

    Buccaneer wrote:
    Fiddling around under the seat normally fixes things for a few weeks, and it
    doesn't really bother me that much. I just didn't want it to start during
    the MOT and for me to fail the MOT over it.

    Sean, Nov 14, 2004
  5. In answer about your upcoming MOT, I had my 406 collected from home just two
    days ago by the guy who did the MOT and brought it back, the car had passed
    btw. The airbag light started flashing as he was driving it. He pointed it
    out when he returned the car and said it was not an MOT matter then told me
    it was most likely the leads to the seat belt pre-tensioner sensors that
    were the cause of the problem.
    Robin Bendall, Nov 15, 2004
  6. Sean

    Mindwipe Guest

    : : > Buccaneer wrote:
    : > <snip />
    : >> As I understand it there is wiring under both front seats. On my 406
    : >> was done and the other went a year later. I believe there is a
    : >> of some description that has to be removed and the wires soldered
    : >> together
    : >> instead.
    : >
    : > Fiddling around under the seat normally fixes things for a few weeks,
    : > it
    : > doesn't really bother me that much. I just didn't want it to start
    : > the MOT and for me to fail the MOT over it.
    : >
    : > Thanks,
    : > Sean
    : In answer about your upcoming MOT, I had my 406 collected from home just
    : days ago by the guy who did the MOT and brought it back, the car had
    : btw. The airbag light started flashing as he was driving it. He pointed it
    : out when he returned the car and said it was not an MOT matter then told
    : it was most likely the leads to the seat belt pre-tensioner sensors that
    : were the cause of the problem.
    did i not say no already
    or did you want a long speech about it
    Mindwipe, Nov 16, 2004
  7. Sean

    Chris Guest

    Dear Mindwipe, please could I have a long speech about how exactly to fix
    the airbag light problem. I've read pretty much all the posts on here over
    the past few months and am still unsure as to what wires to solder & or
    which connectors to replace. I need step by step instructions with nice
    colour pictures if possible
    btw I have a 98 406 V6
    Chris, Nov 17, 2004
  8. Sean

    Mindwipe Guest

    : Dear Mindwipe, please could I have a long speech about how exactly to fix
    : the airbag light problem. I've read pretty much all the posts on here over
    : the past few months and am still unsure as to what wires to solder & or
    : which connectors to replace. I need step by step instructions with nice
    : colour pictures if possible
    : btw I have a 98 406 V6
    : : >
    : > : > :
    : > : : > : > Buccaneer wrote:
    : > : > <snip />
    : > : >> As I understand it there is wiring under both front seats. On my
    : > one
    : > : >> was done and the other went a year later. I believe there is a
    : > connector
    : > : >> of some description that has to be removed and the wires soldered
    : > : >> together
    : > : >> instead.
    : > : >
    : > : > Fiddling around under the seat normally fixes things for a few
    : > and
    : > : > it
    : > : > doesn't really bother me that much. I just didn't want it to start
    : > during
    : > : > the MOT and for me to fail the MOT over it.
    : > : >
    : > : > Thanks,
    : > : > Sean
    : > :
    : > : In answer about your upcoming MOT, I had my 406 collected from home
    : > two
    : > : days ago by the guy who did the MOT and brought it back, the car had
    : > passed
    : > : btw. The airbag light started flashing as he was driving it. He
    : > it
    : > : out when he returned the car and said it was not an MOT matter then
    : > me
    : > : it was most likely the leads to the seat belt pre-tensioner sensors
    : > : were the cause of the problem.
    : > :
    : > :
    : > did i not say no already
    : > or did you want a long speech about it
    : >
    : >
    i appreciate the sarcasm but as a top poster you lost any respect coming to
    perhaps you should simply book it in and pay £70 plus an hour for it fixing
    as a rule btw most 406's with electric seats simply unplug them selves when
    the seat is sent all the way back (usually when i get in,not cos i'm tall
    but because i dont want the airbag blowing all my ribs out of my back when a
    taxi driving arsehole pulls out on me)
    Mindwipe, Nov 19, 2004
  9. Sean

    Chris Guest

    Ok Ok, it was sarcastic, but wasn't intended to be offensive. To be honest I
    didn't totally understand your answer though.
    I'm looking for a cheap solution, have paid far too much this year already
    to get the car running safe and legal.
    I don't know if the seats actually unplugged themselves, but there is
    definitely a link between moving the seats and the problem occurring.
    Any help would be appreciated, seriously
    Chris, Nov 19, 2004
  10. Sean

    Sean Guest

    Chris wrote:

    My limited experience shows that there is an orange connector under both the
    driver and passenger seats. Fiddling around with that tends to fix the
    problem. I rarely move the seats, so it it is a reasonable solution for
    me. This may or may not be satisfactory for yourself.

    Sean, Nov 20, 2004
  11. Sean

    Mindwipe Guest

    if you dont want to remove the connector and solder the wires together then
    you could smply run a cable tie around the two halves of the connector and
    pull it tight,hence pulling the connection together
    also with the seat all the way back check the wiring to the acrual
    pretensioner which is the bit that usually unplugs itself,if its like apiano
    string then remove the clips and reroute it
    Mindwipe, Nov 20, 2004
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