Gear Squeak

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tom Hawley, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. Tom Hawley

    Tom Hawley Guest


    This is rather like a thread a few up/down from here but i'm being
    slightly more specific.

    I have a creaking gearstick (gearbox?). The creaking occurs mostly when
    crawling, but its there at speed too.

    I can provoke into happening often by abruptly accelerating or lifting
    off the accelerator pedal quickly. I didn't think it was the gears for a
    while but in the right circumstances I can hear it when moving the
    gearstick with the clutch pedal depressed (naturally) and if I move it
    repetitively the creaking is uniform.

    What is this most likely to be? I've let this go on for a while and some
    days its worse than others but i'm going to get a service shortly so i'd
    like to know what this is before I go in if possible.

    Thanks in advance.

    Tom Hawley, Jun 25, 2006
  2. Tom Hawley

    Chris Guest

    Chris, Jun 25, 2006
  3. Tom Hawley

    nigel Guest

    You don't say what car it is, but either engine mountings or exhaust
    ring kit.
    nigel, Jun 26, 2006
  4. Tom Hawley

    Tom Hawley Guest

    You don't say what car it is, but either engine mountings or exhaust
    Sorry, can't believe I did that. 306 estate, HDI.

    After a bit of reading it sounds like mounts are probable, and would
    also probably explain a few other noises that I thought were hangovers
    from a possibly dodgy timing kit change I discussed a while ago, and
    even at a stretch a contributor to my split cat.

    Any easy way for a novice to check these, and how much is it likely to
    cost to get them replaced?

    Tom Hawley, Jun 27, 2006
  5. Tom Hawley

    nigel Guest

    The lower one visually. Get a lever and push/pull the engine back and
    forth to see if there is a split in it. Easiest to change the entire
    mounting. You can get just the bush, but you need a press to remove
    and fit, and it has to be fitted a certain way to avoid vibrations.

    The upper one is best checked with the metal part connecting it to the
    engine removed (support the engine first!!).

    There is one on the gearbox, but I have never needed to change one of

    Can't help with the prices. Best ask your dealer.
    nigel, Jun 27, 2006
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