Get Your Own Oil Well

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jonathon butler, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. Biodiesel is one of the most thoroughly tested alternative fuels on
    the market. Studies have been performed by the
    U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
    Stanadyne Automotive Corp. (the largest diesel fuel injection
    equipment manufacturer in the U.S.), Lovelace Respiratory Research
    Institute, and Southwest Research Institute. In fact over 50 million
    miles have been expended in testing biodiesel during the course of
    this research.
    This means that you can improve the environment and save money at the
    same time using this fuel.
    In Europe biodiesel is already added to petrodiesel, in France up to
    5% of diesel you get from the pump is biodiesel.
    Imagine the effect on the tradedeficit if we would reduce the fossil
    fuel consumption with 5%.
    That is not all.
    Just 5% would keep thousands of farmers in work rather than
    unemployed, and it would break the big oil companies stranglehold on
    our economy and even better we wouldn't need oil from countries like
    Iraq, Iran, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia.
    But I got all carried away....
    It all started when I was looking for a cheap alternative fuel I could
    use in my diesel engine. The processes described all required a lot of
    equipment, and a lot of money to be paid upfront, and even then 99.9%
    of it was pure trash.
    jonathon butler, Jun 7, 2007
  2. jonathon butler

    Brian Guest

    I've been doing my bit, I've been adding 5% veggie oil for years now.
    Brian, Jun 10, 2007

  3. I read somewhere that bio-diesel should not be used in HDI engines.
    Keith Willcocks, Jun 15, 2007
  4. jonathon butler

    djimbo Guest

    It seems a bit unlikely for the 406HDi motor even at 50% Bio,
    I've scanned the net, and you read everything from Horror stories to people
    telling you there is absolutely no problem with 100% in Pug HDi motors.
    Pug themselves seem to be keeping out of the debate (?)
    At the moment I think I'd only try it if I ever had a HDi motor I didn't
    need to rely on.

    When I saw the header - Get your own oil well
    I thought it was going to recommend buying a British motorbike.;-)

    djimbo, Jun 15, 2007
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