HDI fuel leak

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dunkan via CarKB.com, Mar 29, 2005.

  1. My 306 1999 HDI has developed a fuel leak. There is a srong smell of
    diesel in the engine compartment, and when you remove the engine cover fuel
    has collected in the shallow wells and there is also a slow drip though the
    engine onto the floor. Has anyone else expereinced this problem? Any ideas?
    Dunkan via CarKB.com, Mar 29, 2005
  2. Dunkan via CarKB.com

    Marc Guest

    probably the stop solenoid,( on the feul pump) get it checked by a
    pug dealer, get a new part rather than one from the scrappies.
    Marc, Mar 29, 2005
  3. Dunkan via CarKB.com

    Nigel Guest

    The high pressure pipes to the injectors are leaking slightly. There
    was a recall on this a couple of years ago. Get your dealer to check
    whether it's been done on your car.
    They just need tightening up at both ends (14mm or 17mm nuts). If you
    do it yourself, do not overtigten them or the olive will split and you
    really will have a leak!!
    Nigel, Mar 29, 2005
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