Headlight problems- ’93 306

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by savsavsav03, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. savsavsav03

    savsavsav03 Guest

    Just bought a 306, year 1993 but cant get the headlights working. The
    sidelights come on fine, but when i turn on the dips, nothing happens.
    Have checked all the fuses, has anyone experienced this problem
    before? The bulbs are fine too checked them also...
    savsavsav03, Feb 14, 2007

  2. I seem to remember that ,on an early 405 I had, the headlights only operated
    when the ignition was on.
    Keith Willcocks, Feb 14, 2007
  3. savsavsav03

    Brian Guest

    I'm not sure this is the case on the 306. Our's is out at the moment, but it
    should be fitted with the dim-dip system, where the dip comes on dimmed when
    in sidelight position, and the ignition is on.
    Your problem could be something to do with this. There is a little alloy
    cylender somewhere on the LH behind the rad, which is the ballast resistor,
    and there is a relay in the circuit too.
    Brian, Feb 14, 2007
  4. savsavsav03

    Brian Guest

    Check the earth connections.
    Brian, Feb 14, 2007
  5. savsavsav03

    Phil Cook Guest

    The diagnostic for this problem is to check if the headlights work on
    full beam but not dipped.

    In my 94 306 the resistor pack was behind the n/s headlight and it
    failed mid journey between London and Scotland. I got a garage to
    remove it and wire it so that the state or the lights were controlled
    by the switch rather than the relay and resistor.

    If it helps, this is the relevant part of the diagram .
    Phil Cook, Feb 14, 2007
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