Heelo, my name is Ren and I am a 205 CTI owner. I am an American and I live in Germany right now. This is my first Peugeot, and also my first French car. I have owned only Saabs, Jeeps and Subarus for the past ten years. I am enjoying this little Frech car so far, despite some of its curerent problems. I am a helicopter mechanic by trade, and I work on my own cars, so there is not much in there I wouldn't fix myself. Right now the things I need to fix on my CTI are the top/hood (the current one is very worn out and needs replacement but no water enters the cab yet), and a hesitation at around 2000-3500 rpm, whether accelerating or steady throttle cruising. As for the hesitation I imagine it could be a vacuum leak or a dirty air sensor. Anyone got any clues? Here is my bright yellow Pug: [img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-WjI01Hwoycc/UXhMKCBTs3I/AAAAAAAAZV4/-emnA-t89MI/w633-h396-no/Fullscreen+capture+4242013+230803.bmp.jpg[/img] It has a 1.9 GTI leather interior and Phase 2 dash: [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Gzke5PA3NHg/UXhMM-g_BuI/AAAAAAAAZWM/x43I7JJR3RY/w634-h396-no/Fullscreen+capture+4242013+231051.bmp.jpg[/img] The engine is pretty clean: [img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-PO7KHHcpTJI/UXhMSFnpvnI/AAAAAAAAZW8/egterEtanCU/w639-h399-no/Fullscreen+capture+4242013+231112.bmp.jpg[/img]