HELP! Clarion radio

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by scliassides, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. scliassides

    scliassides Guest

    Hi, I left my lights on while at work about half a year ago; clever me
    I know. Needless to say the battery went dead and I had to jump start

    The radio was asking for my code, so I put in the code I had; which had
    previously worked. This time though, nothing. Doesn't seem to like that
    code anymore; I've tried it several times now.

    I'm probably going to buy another radio, but I thought I would try this
    as a last resort. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    scliassides, Jan 29, 2006

  2. You could try disconnecting the battery again and leave it for a few minutes
    before re-connecting (like re-booting a computer to clear the memory). If
    that doesn't work you will have to wait for the more knowledgeable people on
    the group.
    Keith Willcocks, Jan 30, 2006
  3. scliassides

    CB Guest


    If your 100% sure that the code you have is correct then maybe you have
    corrupted the 93c46 serial eeprom that contains the code inside the radio.
    If your model of radio is a PU9664 or PU9990 then you could possibly use
    this utility to decode it.

    If you have an EEPROM programmer then its quite a simple job to read out the
    code if you don't have one then pay the £10 to get it decoded locally. There
    are always adverts in the Auto Trader etc.

    CB, Jan 31, 2006
  4. scliassides

    scliassides Guest

    Cheers Keith and CB... I'll let you know how I go. Thanks!
    scliassides, Jan 31, 2006
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