HELP!!! Fuel Problem!!! puegeot 206 diesel!!

Discussion in 'Peugeot 206' started by mchlle, Jan 19, 2007.

  1. mchlle

    mchlle Guest

    i have got a problem with my 206. its a 1900 diesel. when my fuel gage
    gets to roughly a quarter of a tank the car just cuts out. if you put
    more fuel in it will start back up after a while once the fuel gets
    back through the system. but the thing is your probs thinking that ive
    got no fuel left but there is still fuel left in the tank as i have
    had the fuel that gets left in the bottom of the tank sucked out and
    it cuts out when there is fuel left in.

    WHAT COULD THIS BE???????????????
    i have had suggestions that it could be the fuel gage but it cant be
    as there is still fuel left in the car.

    i have also had a suggestion that the fuel is contaminated!

    and i have also had a suggestion in which something has come loose in
    the tank that sucks up the fuel to pull it through the engine.

    has this hapened to anyone else and could you please healp me what
    happened to yours and can this be fixed??
    mchlle, Jan 19, 2007
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