Its a long story, but on saturday I hit a curb really hard in my 306, i've had a look at the damage, seems that my front suspension lower arm is bent and snapped, and a platic rod is snapped, other stuff is bent, but I don't know what it is. I've got a Haynes manual which tells you how to remove everythign etc. and my dad is good with cars, and my uncles a mechanic. So basically I want to get the parts and repair it with the help of my dad, and using my uncles tools, and he could consult etc. if needed. However, I can't find a exploded view of the front assembley, so I can't identify the parts I need to buy! Does anyone know where I could find an exploded view of the front assembley? I've had a look on the net, but can't find anything, and the haynes manual doesn't have one either.