Immobiliser keypad removal?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John, Jul 16, 2006.

  1. John

    John Guest

    Have an S-reg 406 I'm unable to start due to a faulty immobiliser -- assumed
    broken lead(s) to the keypad (it has a flashing red light and will not accept
    any input; doesn't even give an audio response to the keys being tapped). I
    can't see how to access the back of the keypad to examine the wiring. I assume
    it's possible to lift it off its cradle somehow? If I can woggle the wires
    around to get a one-off connection I want to then disconnect the thing. TIA,
    John, Jul 16, 2006
  2. the keypad is usually linked in with the ECU, not sure how to get round it.
    Darren & Sally, Jul 16, 2006
  3. John

    Bob Minchin Guest

    The only safe way I know of to remove the keypad is to start the engine and
    then disconnect it with the engine running. This logs a fault in the ECU but
    it no longer expects to see the keypad. I'm told by a Pug master tech that
    if it is removed before starting the engine the ecu will lockout and never
    start again.
    Because of the severity of the possible outcome I've not unplugged the
    keypad in my Pug with the engine off.


    Bob Minchin, Jul 16, 2006
  4. John

    John Guest

    Yes, I know. That's why I want to get at the wires behind the keypad and try
    get a one-off connection so that I can start the car before disconnecting
    it. But I can't see how to, hence my request for help.
    John, Jul 16, 2006
  5. John

    Bob Minchin Guest

    Sorry I mis-interpreted your question.

    When I took my keypad out it was just a matter of pulling off the connector
    from the back of the pad. I did it years ago and don't recall anything
    difficult. I think it just unclipped from under the armrest and has left me
    with a useful pocket to put my phone and a pack of polos in.

    Bob Minchin, Jul 18, 2006
  6. John

    Mindwipe Guest

    just pull the thing out of its clips
    dont be a wuss
    Best thing to do on a 406 is programme the keypad to the key (in the
    then you dont have to use it anymore
    Mindwipe, Jul 28, 2006
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