Increase in rear torsion bars from 20.5mm to 21mm equals what?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jim, Jan 14, 2004.

  1. Jim

    Jim Guest

    I would like to ask what the formula is to work out the increase in
    stiffness from using a 21mm torsion bar compared to 20.5mm.


    Jim, Jan 14, 2004
  2. AIUI torsional stiffness varies with the cube of the diameter, so your 21mm
    bar should be about 7.5% stiffer, all other things being equal (and if I'm

    Ron Robinson
    R. N. Robinson, Jan 14, 2004
  3. Jim

    Dave Baker Guest

    Subject: Re: Increase in rear torsion bars from 20.5mm to 21mm equals what?
    It's the fourth power not the cube.

    Dave Baker - Puma Race Engines (
    I'm not at all sure why women like men. We're argumentative, childish,
    unsociable and extremely unappealing naked. I'm quite grateful they do though.
    Dave Baker, Jan 14, 2004
  4. Jim

    Jim Guest

    This is based on my assumption that the rear torsion bar is 40" in length
    and the arm length is 10". Used only an estimate to how much the SW 21mm and
    PS 23mm rear torsion bars would increase spring rate by.

    Does anyone have the exact total length of the rear torsion bar and arm

    20.5mm 124.95lbs OE spec.

    21mm 137.60lbs Increased by 10.4%, 13 lbs

    23mm 197.99lbs Increased by 58.4%, 73 lbs



    Jim, Jan 15, 2004
  5. You're quite right. Sorry about that - need new specs. New brain wouldn't
    come amiss either.

    Ron Robinson
    R. N. Robinson, Jan 15, 2004
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