IR-remote. Battery life

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by frogstar, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. frogstar

    frogstar Guest

    Hi all.

    I have a 97' 406 est. Whenever I replace the batteries in the remote
    key (IR) it will lock/unlock the car as it is supposed to do. The red
    piolot LED is flashing. However, the batteries only last for two
    days. The third day the remote is dead, and led dark. No visual IR-
    light from bulb (when watched through digital camara). Any idea what
    causes this. I tried several replacements (batteries) and I don't
    think they all were bad right from the (different) boxes. The key has
    not been in a pocket/next to anything magnetic for the two days, just
    laying on a shelf. Could it be shorted, even if it is working
    properly for a few days?


    frogstar, Apr 11, 2007

  2. My wife's 306 has the exact same problem but in this instance there are
    three keys affected. I asked the question on this group some time ago and
    the answer came back that this is a known problem with the IR keys.
    Keith Willcocks, Apr 11, 2007
  3. frogstar

    frogstar Guest

    So I guess I'll just have to live with it, then? Will open it again
    this evening and clean the electric thingymagic with an el. spray.

    - Fredrik
    frogstar, Apr 12, 2007
  4. frogstar

    David Hearn Guest

    Well, our 1998 306 with IR key has lasted since 2001 (when we got it)
    without needing any new batteries.

    After saying that, I bet it'll now stop working!

    David Hearn, Apr 12, 2007
  5. frogstar

    Bob Morrison Guest

    I have owned a 97' 406 sedan from new and have never changed the IR
    remote battery, so I suspect that your problem is the result of
    excessive battery drain, possibly resulting from moisture inside key
    Bob Morrison, Apr 13, 2007
  6. frogstar

    malc Guest

    I had the same problem with my Xantia key. It would only work for a few
    days then give up the ghost. My 406 however must have a radio key as it
    works even when in my pocket and seems to last quite well as I replaced
    thebatteries a few months ago and it's been fine since. With the Xantia
    I just gave up and used it as a normal key.
    malc, Apr 13, 2007
  7. frogstar

    newsonline Guest


    We had the same problem with a 306 IR fob. New batteries would last for a
    few days then go flat. At first I thought I'd just picked up some duff
    batteries, but apparently, it's a common problem with the fobs as they get
    old and means that the remote key has had it.

    I bought a replacement off eBay (for about £10-15), changed the key blade
    and had it re-programmed by a local car alarm/key technician. There's a
    guide to how to do it with the IR type fobs at the link below - but although
    many posters said how good it was, for some reason, it didn't work for me.

    Hope this helps

    newsonline, Apr 14, 2007
  8. frogstar

    Brian Guest

    This is a known problem with these older plips. From my investigation, the
    little switch inside will be faulty, and not be totally diconnecting when
    not depressed. I have checked the resitance across the contacts on mine to
    confirm this.
    I have read some time ago, of people replacing the little press switch with
    a new one from somewhere, but the details I no longer have. I would do same
    to mine if I could.
    Brian, Apr 17, 2007
  9. frogstar

    frogstar Guest

    I cleaned my remote up with some crc spray thingy. Maybe this was
    enough to bretahe some life into it again... It's going on its second
    week now (knocking some wood over here) and still does what it's
    supposed to do. Two weeks is a new record anyhow...

    - Fx
    frogstar, Apr 19, 2007
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