Jerky ride at low revs on XSi - new Cat / Diesel contamination?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jkn, May 6, 2006.

  1. jkn

    jkn Guest

    Hi all
    several months ago I rather idiotically half-filled my 306XSi with
    diesel. OOPS. Ling story, no need to go there, etc. I managed to top up
    the tank with petrol & limp home, topping up as I went to keep the
    Diesel percentage as low as possible.

    Over the last month or two I've noticed the engine being a bit erratic
    at low revs. Well ... it's not exaclty the engine, but the ride is
    certainly jerky if I take my foot off the accelerator on lower gears.

    The car has done 100,000 miles and I'm guessing that a new Catalytic
    Converter may be required soon. Might this explain what I'm
    experiencing, and might my diesel cock-up have brought on the problem
    or made it worse? Is there anything I can do to clean the Cat or

    Thanks for your thoughts

    Jon N
    jkn, May 6, 2006
  2. jkn

    David Hearn Guest

    My 306 1.4 1998 has always been jerky in 1st gear when taking foot off
    the pedal.

    And I'd be surprised if a faulty catalytic converter (except it being
    blocked or dragging on the ground) had any effect on how the car drives.

    David Hearn, May 6, 2006
  3. jkn

    Len Cuff Guest

    Son's XSi has been the same lately. Pug read the fault codes and the
    lambda sensor is knackered. Just replaced it today and now need to
    reset the ECU to clear the fault codes etc. Could be the same thing as
    the deisel would have sooted it up a fair bit I suspect.

    Len Cuff, May 6, 2006
  4. jkn

    jkn Guest

    Hi Len

    Thanks for the suggestion. Having done a bit of reading, the DIY
    approach to reading the fault codes appeals to me & I'll take this

    Jon N
    jkn, May 7, 2006
  5. jkn

    Len Cuff Guest

    After replacement of sensor and then disconnecting batery for 10
    minutes to clear all the faults in the ECU his car is now running
    perfectly! Pug quoted £125 for a new lambda sesnor, Ebay £18 !!

    Len Cuff, May 7, 2006
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