
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by trollgeddon, Jul 12, 2005.

  1. trollgeddon

    trollgeddon Guest

    Just bought a 306 D turbo `95. i recently changed 5 spoke spiral
    wheels over to some XSI wheels on jack + axel stands under chassis
    rail, ever since i have done this, i have been getting major juddering
    from what i believe to be middle/rear of car under quite firm braking,
    the wheels are not fouling anywhere and i have prooved my point
    putting the old wheels back on, still juddery!. Now the shockers
    seemed clunky and were found faulty once removed so i put some gas
    shocks on, the ride is alot nicer now but the judders are still there,
    ive tested obvious signs like exhaust rattle, had the drums off (shoes
    ok + operate fine) checked bushes etc, no play/wear anywhere. i have
    just raised the rear of car up and clicked handbrake up few notches
    and span rear wheels, there seemed tight spots and light spots
    spinning round the wheel, on both sides. Maybe some drum distortion?
    but i am not convinced this is the problem...how could this just
    suddenly happen?
    trollgeddon, Jul 12, 2005
  2. Does the car have rear disk brakes? I had bad juddering on my 406 and it
    was down to warped front brake disks. It happened very suddenly with no
    warning. If you have rear disk brakes that could be the cause, or it could
    still be the front ones because the judder is not necessarily emanating from
    where it seems to.
    Keith Willcocks, Jul 12, 2005
  3. trollgeddon

    trollgeddon Guest

    Its got drums on rear, today i had the drums off and glazed the drum +
    shoe surface, it made a vast differance and has made the noise + feel
    less violent, my front brakes are screwed but i have discs + pads on
    order for tomorrow, so i have added drums and rear bearings to that
    order, hope this solves my problem, i will let you know
    trollgeddon, Jul 12, 2005
  4. My fingers are crossed for you.

    Keith Willcocks, Jul 13, 2005
  5. trollgeddon

    trollgeddon Guest

    Right, later on that day the juddering got worse, started knocking
    when i hit pot holes etc...so i knew it wasnt the brakes, managed to
    get it up on our flat bed ramp at work whilst someone bounced on the
    rear, its one of the rubber supports for the rear axle that has gone,
    i have bought all four mounts to replace, any ideas the best way to go
    about changing them? a side at a time or lower the whole axle and do
    them all and raise it all in place, i have the equipment to do it just
    not the time, so the quickest way to do it would be nice/ any
    techniques etc.
    trollgeddon, Jul 13, 2005
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