L plate PUG 306

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by ThEeDaRkOnE via CarKB.com, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. Hey, been checking out the forum posts from earlier...
    Got a few minor probs with the car, just got last weekend for the missus.

    Firstly... Fishy smell in car (read post and none the wiser...)
    Secondly... Blower not working at all... (Are the two linked?)
    Thirdly... someone's pranged the wing mirror... mirror and wiring seem to be
    ok, but electric adjuster not responding... (checked fuses and they are all

    Other than that, the car itself is a little beast... i'm used to driving
    bigger cars... but for a 1.8 it's a cracking wee car, that majorly shifts...
    well impressed.

    I'm not that technical minded when it comes to cars (even though i'm an
    engineer)... so if you got any ideas about it, then dumb it down a bit...

    Any help would be appreciated.
    Cheers! ;)
    ThEeDaRkOnE via CarKB.com, Aug 25, 2005
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