Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by WADDO via CarKB.com, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. hi there, i have searched the threads for ages and am probablyasking the same
    question as others but :

    i have just bought a L reg 306 and I would like to get hold of the key that
    arms and disarms the alarm under the bonnet, the one on the passanger side of
    the engine near the battery...... can these be purchased from any where or
    shall I got to a main peugeot dealer and get ripped off............ please
    WADDO via CarKB.com, Sep 2, 2005
  2. WADDO via CarKB.com

    sid Guest

    Peugeot only from my experience.The 405 alarm can be bypassed easily enough
    which disables the siren and headlamp flashing. The key silences the siren
    only but the 306 may differ.

    Its when the remote or receiver goes faulty that you have a problem as the
    central locking goes as well. A temp fix is to pull the relevant fuse and
    manually lock the doors - remember how to lock the rear doors?
    sid, Sep 9, 2005
  3. Hi Sid,

    Thanks for your reply, As i thought, cheers anyway,
    WADDO via CarKB.com, Sep 10, 2005
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