Lights problem 306Hdi

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Len Cuff, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. Len Cuff

    Len Cuff Guest

    Noticed recently that when I start the car, the dash/clock lights
    flicker a bit. This goes on for abut 5 minutes when it all settles
    down and doesn't happen again until I switch off and restart. Car
    start fine even when it's cold in the mornings.

    Any ideas?

    Len Cuff, Jan 9, 2007
  2. Len Cuff

    Gary G Jones Guest

    If you have dash dimmer switch, rheostat, I think they call it, try moving
    it from full brightness to dimmed and back again a few times. see if this
    sorts the problem.
    Gary G Jones, Jan 9, 2007
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