Low Brake fluid warning light - fixed !!!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by steve Robinson via CarKB.com, May 7, 2005.

  1. Apply the handbrake on my 1999 2.0 GLX and I got the warning beep plus
    message saying Low Brake Fluid. No it wasn't!
    Thanks to this board I read that changing the handbrake warning light
    switch would sort it out.
    Really sceptical but I got a new switch, £2,removed the centre console and
    replaced it. Hey presto it worked. No more messages. Everything okay.
    Thanks to all previous posters.
    I now lay awake at night thinking HOW!!!!
    Why does it make a difference?
    Surely the switch is just open or close device.
    It either completes or breaks a circuit.
    Can anyone explain in layman terms?
    steve Robinson via CarKB.com, May 7, 2005
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