More HDI Woes

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Johno, Nov 16, 2006.

  1. Johno

    Johno Guest

    Fitted new lift pump 8th november, problems with car all week, bad
    starting ETC , anyway went to start it this morning , Nothing, so I
    thought I bet it's the fuel pump relay acting up, checked supply with
    volt meter at pump connection that was ok ..... now I found my new pump
    has seized up after taking it back out and testing it, phoned Peugeot
    told them about it ,they say it's probably dirty fuel in tank , ( fuel
    is clean ) now i've had to buy another pump at 170 Quid while I await a
    warranty claim on the failed pump !!!!! anyone else had problems with
    HDI fuel lift pumps? My last car a Zantia with the 2.1 diesel ran 6
    years and never ever let me down, Modern technology get's worse every
    A very pi***d off 406 owner :(
    Johno, Nov 16, 2006
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