Motor Insurance Database UK

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by species8350, May 8, 2010.

  1. species8350

    species8350 Guest


    I am insured, but for some reason not listed with the MID.

    Is it best to be registered?

    species8350, May 8, 2010
  2. species8350

    Cash Guest

    The insurance company will do that automatically (usually within seven days
    of issue) - but some of the 'cheaper companies' don't always comply.

    Don't worry, if you get stopped by the plod, simply either show them your
    Certificate of Insurance or tell them the name of the company - and they
    will either telephone the company there and then, or give you some
    documentation and tell you to produce the Certificate of Insurance, Driving
    Licence (and MOT Certificate if it's required) at a police station of your
    choice within seven days -- and this will usually be *after* they have given
    your car a good going over to make sure that lights, tyres etc are

    Remember, there is *NO* legal requirement forcing you to carry *ANY* of your
    driving documents with you at all times.
    Cash, May 8, 2010
  3. species8350

    shazzbat Guest

    There is however a legal requirement (AIUI) for your insurance company to
    put you on the database within 7 days of the insurance becoming effective.
    You could email your insurance and tell them to get their finger out.

    shazzbat, May 9, 2010
  4. species8350

    species8350 Guest

    Thanks to both.

    Best wishes.


    Ps. Sounds like its more convenient to be on rather than off the list
    species8350, May 9, 2010
  5. species8350

    Tinkerer Guest

    DVLA use the database when issuing Tax Discs on line and the Police use them
    when checking number plates with cameras. The image from the camera
    identifies the reg number and queries the road tax, mot and insurance
    databases in split seconds. If any of the three comes up negative a police
    motor bike hares after you and pulls you over. They have been doing this a
    lot around here lately.
    Tinkerer, May 11, 2010
  6. species8350

    Chris Guest

    Got to do somthing with the council tax we all have to pay .
    Chris, May 11, 2010
  7. species8350

    Tinkerer Guest

    They're probably doing it on your side of the river as well. Staines Road
    West and Halliford Road seem to be the favourites over here.
    Tinkerer, May 13, 2010
  8. species8350

    Chris Guest

    Give it to me to spend , i can find a lot of use for the lol
    Chris, May 15, 2010
  9. species8350

    species8350 Guest

    I see that my car is now registered on the MID.

    I can see the make and model, but no other details.

    Can I view more complete details?

    As a matter of interest, if I sell the car, or remove it from the
    road, etc., how would I go about removing the details from the MID?


    species8350, Jun 2, 2010
  10. species8350

    Tinkerer Guest

    Don't know about seeing more details. However I assume that if you sold or
    SORNed the car you would cease or lay up your insurance and the insurance
    company would then be obliged to re-notify the database. If you kept the
    insurance running (silly in those circumstances) it would remain as is - but
    it would of course still be accurate, the vehicle would still be insured.
    Tinkerer, Jun 2, 2010
  11. species8350

    species8350 Guest

    Yes, I agree

    Best wishes.


    Ps. Pity we can't see more details. If we changed insurance companies
    or made other changes, it would be nice to know that the MID has been
    species8350, Jun 3, 2010
  12. species8350

    Donwill Guest

    But it makes it *EASIER* for everyone if you do.
    Donwill, Jun 7, 2010
  13. species8350

    Cash Guest

    It also makes it *easier* for a thief to pass off a *stolen* car as his/her
    own and 'sell' it on to some unsuspecting person when the logbook, MOT and
    insurance certificates are stolen along with the car.

    Particulraly so when some numpty of a driver leaves them (along with a spare
    key) in the glove compartment, behind the sun visor, in the door pocket or
    even under the seats - years ago, I even saw the full set of documents left
    on the passenger seat of a parked!

    Nope. in 44 years of driving, the only document I have ever carried is my
    driving licence (and I'm still using the old paper licence [1]) and never
    had a problem with the law over it.

    [1] And will continnue to do so until my 70th birthday in 9 years time
    when I have to legally apply for a new one.

    Cash, Jun 7, 2010
  14. species8350

    Donwill Guest

    I drive abroad quite often, so am used to carrying documentation
    (including vehicle registration certificate etc,) which I DO NOT leave
    in the car overnight, unless I stay in a hotel that has secure parking
    [Ref 1] Yes been there, 80th in 7 yrs time, but what the hell I'll keep
    going and enjoying while I can afford it. never had a vehicle or
    contents stolen in 56 yrs of driving , ( or an accident either) you
    just have to be careful where you park it.
    Donwill, Jun 7, 2010
  15. species8350

    Tinkerer Guest

    We are talking about a Government (or at least Quasi Government) database.
    Personally I think it's a bloody miracle that it does more than give the
    current date and time. ;o)
    Tinkerer, Jun 7, 2010
  16. species8350

    Tinkerer Guest

    Saying things like that is called pushing your luck ;o)
    (my paper one runs out in three years).
    Tinkerer, Jun 7, 2010
  17. species8350

    Donwill Guest

    Yes you're probably right, the grim reaper maybe listening :)
    Donwill, Jun 7, 2010
  18. species8350

    Cash Guest


    The only time a car of ours was stolen was from where SWMBO had carefully
    parked it off-road in our drive - and some f*****g scumbag broke into the
    house, took the car keys and the car - we got it back several weeks later!

    Cash, Jun 7, 2010
  19. It's alright - he's stopped using Usenet and has moved onto web forums,
    'cos he wanted animated smilies and an avatar next to all his posts.
    Albert T Cone, Jun 8, 2010
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