My first Peugeot service experience - Any views please?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Guest, Oct 27, 2007.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I collected my 407 2.0 HDi136 Executive after its first 20,000 mile
    service last night & am now sitting looking at the details of the
    bill. Total cost incl vat is £229.99

    I called the service department this morning to query a couple of
    items on the bill but it is closed on Saturdays so in the meantime I
    am posting this message for any views prior to me speaking to them on

    The labour cost of the service was £114.55 + vat.
    The parts include:
    1 x oil filter @ £8.70,
    1 x housg plug SE [whatever that is] @ £0.94,
    1 x screen wash @ £1.23
    1 x brake cleaner @ £2.95

    I've little problem with the a4 items bove but the 2 which make me
    uneasy are:
    50 x Shell Helix @ £1.15 = £57.50
    1 x Mobil Synt S 5w-40 @ £9.78

    Now the latter is probably the litre of oil that I found on the
    passenger seat & at first foolishly though was a freeby. As it was
    neither requested or required by me or offered for sale to me at the
    time & is going back for a refund on Monday.

    What puzzles me is the Shell Helix item which I assume is for the oil.
    As the oil capacity is 5.25 litres I wondered if they had just got the
    units confused & that it should be 5 x £11.50?

    Still a bit pricey for oil. Costco Warehouse sell Castrol Magnatec
    Diesel 10W-40 at about £28 for 8 litres

    Any views please?

    Guest, Oct 27, 2007
  2. Guest

    Bob Minchin Guest

    My Fraud dealer 'sells' oil in multiples of 100ml at similar prices.

    They also apply an 'environmental' charge for disposal of the old oil
    and filters etc. I did ask them to give me back the old oil in a can if
    I provided it but they said they could not do this!!
    I always fill the washer bottle to the brim so they cant fit any
    expensive screen wash in. but then I'm a tight git.

    The first service on my Cmax was about the same so I guess your bill is
    par for the course.

    You are not obliged to use a main agent during warranty. Any vat
    registered garage who uses manufacturers parts like filters and the
    correct grade of oil can stamp the service book and Pug have to honour
    warranty claims.


    Bob Minchin, Oct 27, 2007
  3. Guest

    Chrs Guest

    You have well and truey BEEN DONE HAHAHAHAHA You might next time ring
    and get them to quote you the prices over the phone before you take it
    in to them. (if you use them again,)that work is about 2hrs at max.most
    of the time they dont even change the belts or filters unless you have
    marked them.check your air filter too seee if it has been replaced?they
    do the oil because people check there oil and if it is clean you know
    it has been replaced.
    hahaahhahaha good luck on monday..
    Chrs, Oct 27, 2007
  4. Guest

    Chrs Guest

    Why did they say no to you asking for your old oil back???when we do a
    job if the person whats any old bits back we give them to them,
    Chrs, Oct 27, 2007
  5. Guest

    Phil Cook Guest

    Separating your oil from all the other used oil is likely to be a
    Phil Cook, Oct 27, 2007
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 11:58:44 GMT, Bob Minchin


    That's interesting to know.

    I usually use my local family run garage which has maintained all my
    cars for the last 20 years & was sorry not to use it this time.

    It relies on "word of mouth" recommendations & repeat business from
    people like myself. In my experience & that of others that I know it
    has been totally reliable. It doesn't expect payment when the car is
    collected but instead sends out a bill weeks after the work has been
    done. Obviously doesn't have a cash flow problem!

    Guest, Oct 27, 2007
  7. Guest

    Chrs Guest

    Thats the way it should be done . you should be able to trust the
    customer, if not you send the heavy boys round hahahaha
    Chrs, Oct 27, 2007
  8. Guest

    %%stu%% Guest

    My 407 v6 hdi 20k service cost £159 total at a peugeot main dealer. Another
    dealer quoted £190ish.

    And yes they managed to squeeze washer fluid in to a full washer bottle and
    cleaned the brakes.....
    %%stu%%, Oct 28, 2007
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    On Sun, 28 Oct 2007 07:03:51 -0000, "%%stu%%"


    I wonder if the location makes a difference. My dealer is in north
    Guest, Oct 28, 2007
  10. Guest

    Chrs Guest

    I have to remenber this next time i get a pug in for full service ,
    charge for washer bottle , and time i have spent having a cup of tea
    Chrs, Oct 28, 2007
  11. It is worth checking the warranty if you do this. My 807 (*spit*) had a
    three year warranty, which was divided into a two year manufacturer
    warranty, then a third year given by the dealer network. To qualify for
    the third year dealer network warranty you had to have your car serviced
    by them, which I think was designed to get around these rules that allow
    you to have your car serviced anywhere.

    Matthew Haigh, Oct 28, 2007
  12. Guest

    Brian Guest

    How do you know this? Yes, they billed you for it, but did they actually do
    it? Was the washer bottle more full than when you took it in? If it was full
    when you tok it in you should have challenged this, it is one of the
    standard fiddles.
    Brian, Oct 29, 2007
  13. Guest

    %%stu%% Guest

    I had topped up the washer bottle the day before, forgetting I was taking it
    in. TBH it wasn't worth the argument. When I had a Proton the dealer used
    to leave the fluid bottle on the seat if they couldn't fit it all in, which
    is fair.

    The peogeot dealers are in the west midlands.

    The garage I used is fairly good as if you buy the car from them they give
    you a card which gives 10% off labour and parts and insured hire car for £5
    a day.

    I had bought a car from them previously but not the 407 so I paid full price
    for the service but it was still cheaper than the nearer dealer.

    They have an attitude that they would rather sell at discount to get repeat
    busines rather than extract the max from the punter. (the 407 dealer was
    like that!)
    %%stu%%, Oct 29, 2007
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest


    Took the litre back to the Peugeot agent and at the service desk
    queried the litre of oil being on the passenger seat when I collected
    the car after the service & charged on the account. It was carefully
    explained to me that this was provided to top up the oil which was
    sometimes required. I took off my stupid head & explained that I had
    been driving for 42 years and was fully aware about the need to check
    oil levels.

    It was then explained that the oil was part of the service. I
    suggested that the account looked to me as though it was added on as
    an extra. The reply was that it was provided so that I did not top up
    with "any old oil" I said that I knew from the handbook what oil was
    required & the litre supplied did not have any indication on it that
    it met the standard set by the hand book and in any case my point had
    nothing to do with the quality but why I had been charged for it in
    the first place.

    The next point was that it was a promotional item & had been
    "discounted from the labour costs". I didn't pick up what that meant
    at first but the litre was taken off me & I was presented with a new
    account where the charge for the litre had been removed & the labour
    cost had been bumped up by an equivalent amount resulting in the same
    total charge & no refund!! Clearly I still had my stupid head on.

    A guy in a white shirt & dark suite appeared & we went through the
    conversation again.

    After explaining how I was a new Peugeot customer who had chosen to
    use my local agent for the first time in the hope that a relationship
    might have been established for future years & how if I can expect to
    have surprises on my bills he must realise how disappointed I was
    bound to be. At this point I got the refund.

    He confirmed that any vat registered garage using Peugeot parts could
    have carried out the service & preserved the warranty.
    The dark suit confirmed that the bulk oil is charged for in 100 ml

    I pointed out that the cost of the oil in the litre was more than the
    equivalent cost of the bulk oil. He said it was much the same - only
    £2 more. I pointed out that it was in total £7.50 net more
    I mentioned this also. He said the oil they use was above the
    recommended standard. Well I suppose he would say that.

    I pointed out that the next service would be in 2 years as it is
    unlikely that I would be doing 20000 miles before then & that would be
    the end of the warranty period so he probably wouldn't be seeing me

    Guest, Oct 30, 2007
  15. Guest

    Chrs Guest

    Can you please mention the garages name so that i can keep it in mind,
    what they are like also other ppl on this group would like to know ,
    Chrs, Oct 30, 2007
  16. Guest

    PH13 Guest

    I recently used a dealer in Coventry for an MOT as the car still had some
    Platinum warranty remaining and was pleasantly surprised to find they only
    charged £25 for it. However, now the wty has exppired, i'll be going back to
    my privaye Pug specialist in Warwick for service
    PH13, Oct 30, 2007
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    My experience was with :
    Waters Group
    Waters Peugeot
    1 Lea Valley Road
    E4 7PX
    Guest, Nov 6, 2007
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