MY406 smokes

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by greggig, Oct 8, 2006.

  1. greggig

    greggig Guest

    Hi I have recently bought a 1998 Peugeot 406 diesel that has done 150k
    it has a good service record but the problem is that it kicks out a
    grey ish colour smoke when I accelerate don't look so bad during the
    day but at night it embarrassing,She drives fine and doesn't use any
    oil or loose any water.the smoke smells of diesel. I've put some
    injector cleaner in the tank and also some stuff called stop smoke in
    with the oil. Can you make any suggestions at to what the problem could
    be? Respects Gregg
    greggig, Oct 8, 2006
  2. Try changing the oil and air filter these will usually improve things.
    It is also worth giving the engine a good burn in second gear at 4000 RPM as
    this will clear all the crap out of the exhaust system as it becomes hot.
    Michael Roche, Oct 8, 2006
  3. greggig

    greggig Guest

    Hi Mike
    thanks for the info but have tryed that and sadley no seams to
    be at low revs.could it be injectors and I bet they cost a bomb knowing
    my luck
    respects gregg
    greggig, Oct 8, 2006
  4. greggig

    Chris Guest

    Try and ring pug spares or go to the web site.and get a price for new
    Chris, Oct 8, 2006
  5. greggig

    Fitzy Guest

    Could be a number of things causing it to smoke,
    Oil and filter are just one, injectors are another , fuel contamination,?
    air filter,? valve stem oil seals,? worn rings,? to much oil in the sump,
    these are a few causes,
    I would find a diesel specialist in your area and ask his advice,,, could
    save you a lot of time and money,,
    I sometimes get advice from my local bus depot mechanics....they are usually
    spot on... !!!!!
    Fitzy, Oct 8, 2006
  6. greggig

    greggig Guest

    Hi Fitzy
    Thanks for your advice. I had a local garage look at it a few weeks ago
    and they told me that the engine was good as in starts fine and
    wasn't using oil, So they thought that possibly at some point
    someone had put to much oil in and that its burning it off. As the car
    only smokes when under load and when hot. The only thing that concerns
    me is that the smoke smells of diesel not oil. I've done a few miles
    now and I love the car to bit's but she still smokes. Ps Do all these
    cars sound like a bag of nails shaken in a tin can when cold!
    Respects Gregg
    greggig, Oct 9, 2006
  7. greggig

    PhilC Guest

    As you have changed oil and filter did you change air filter? If not that
    would be worth trying. The garage was correct if it starts and does not
    misfire at idle everything is more or less OK. The other possibilities are -
    tight valve clearance - pump timing - this is sometimes adjusted to increase
    performance but it also increases smoke possibly wear to injectors. If you
    decide to change injectors use a local diesel specialist for replacements -
    never buy new injectors they are unnecessary. Always use service exchange
    from a specialist - not knowing where you are if in Greater London use
    Watson's Diesels in West London.
    You mentioned smoke looks worse at night this is a bit of an optical
    illusion it is no worse just that car headlamps show the particles better at

    PhilC, Oct 9, 2006
  8. greggig

    greggig Guest

    Hi Phil
    Yeah I'm going to try injectors as have changed all filters and oil,
    and tried all the cleaning/stop smoke etc jollop's that's on the
    market. I have found a company on the internet that do a recon set for
    £130 does that sound about rite.
    Respects Gregg
    greggig, Oct 9, 2006
  9. greggig

    Fitzy Guest

    I totally agree,
    Fitzy, Oct 9, 2006
  10. greggig

    Fitzy Guest

    Re, con injectors £130 sounds about right, (40 quid) each up north,
    but as Phil has mentioned,,, have the valve clearances checked and adjusted
    this is a well known problem with some Peugeot's,
    could even be the cure your looking for,

    Hi Phil
    Yeah I'm going to try injectors as have changed all filters and oil,
    and tried all the cleaning/stop smoke etc jollop's that's on the
    market. I have found a company on the internet that do a recon set for
    £130 does that sound about rite.
    Respects Gregg
    Fitzy, Oct 9, 2006
  11. greggig

    djimbo Guest

    My old P reg 1900 TD 406 always looked smoky out the back at night.
    It did a reasonable mpg and passed emission tests so it didn't bother me
    I wondered if there was something about the red rear lights showing it up
    more as it was invisible in daylight.
    Have you tried just dipping the rear view mirror ;-)

    djimbo, Oct 9, 2006
  12. greggig

    greggig Guest

    Hi Jim
    Unfortunally I'm old school and tend to be a bit conscientious,But I
    have noticed that the car miss fires at low rev's so I think the next
    job is injectors. man it's just driving me up the wall
    respects gregg
    Ps anyone in the surrey area (esher) wanna come n change em for me!
    greggig, Oct 10, 2006
  13. greggig

    Chris Guest

    are they the same as a pug 405 lay out? i am in Addlestone and if you
    like i give you a hand to do the job?
    Chris, Oct 10, 2006
  14. greggig

    greggig Guest

    Hi I've really no idea if there the same lay out but will try and find
    out and thanks for your offer
    respects gregg
    greggig, Oct 10, 2006
  15. greggig

    Chris Guest

    I have tryed and look on web sites but no joy.but i can help you if you
    need help. can help you this week end (sunday)
    Chris, Oct 10, 2006
    Keith Willcocks, Oct 10, 2006
    Keith Willcocks, Oct 10, 2006
  18. greggig

    PhilC Guest

    Hi Gregg

    Only just caught up as it happens I live near Woking - just up the road -
    and have the socket for changing the injectors. More than happy to help

    As you have mentioned a misfire I am almost certain you have a tight valve -
    if you want to try another set of injectors I have a spare good set but you
    will need to get washers - run out.
    The email address is good if you want to contact me

    PhilC, Oct 11, 2006
  19. greggig

    greggig Guest

    THE CYLINDER HEAD.and then has another pipe that runs to the brake
    greggig, Oct 11, 2006
  20. greggig

    Chris Guest

    i think your find it puts air into your servo.which helps with your you dont have to stand on the pedal.
    chris Addlestone
    Chris, Oct 11, 2006
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