navigation system user-survey

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Nikatnott, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. Nikatnott

    Nikatnott Guest

    I am a post graduate researcher at the University of Nottingham in the
    UK. This questionnaire forms part of a wider study into driver
    behaviour conducted by myself and my colleagues.

    If you use any type of in-vehicle navigation system, I would appreciate
    it if you could follow the link below and answer a short questionnaire
    regarding navigation system user behaviour and preferences.

    The questionnaire is very short (it should only take 5 to 10 minutes to
    complete). Research in this area is only in its infancy, and there are
    many gaps in the current literature, it is hoped this questionnaire
    will be a start in filling some of these gaps.

    Once the results have been analysed, I will provide a link from this
    forum to a results summary so that interested participants may have a
    look. Alternatively, please email me at and I
    will provide them to you by email.

    Many thanks

    Nick Forbes
    Postgraduate researcher
    University of Nottingham
    Nikatnott, Oct 4, 2006
  2. Nikatnott

    Bob Minchin Guest


    If you can't be bothered to write a survey that is not browser specific then
    I'm not going to run up a non preferred browser just to answer it.
    You might have guess that webpage designers who arrogantly think users will
    only use the same browser as they happen to like really piss me off.

    Bob Minchin, Oct 4, 2006
  3. Nikatnott

    djimbo Guest

    I was going to send my info in, it's the missus with a Shell road map and a
    lot of screaming as we approach junctions.
    But if it won't work in Nets Cape, I'll not bother ;-)

    djimbo, Oct 4, 2006
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