No traction

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Alia, Dec 25, 2023.

  1. Alia


    Dec 25, 2023
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    Good evening, please tell me such a question. There is a Peugeot 406 car with a 2.0 HDI RHZ engine, such a problem appeared, traction disappeared and, consequently, fuel consumption increased. The essence is this: the car accelerates poorly, like there’s a trailer from behind, diagontics was performed, the turbine was under-inflated and the low readings of the mass air flow sensor were found out, as a result, it was decided to change these two nodes to new ones, as a result, the car drove more than normally for about an hour and then issue occured again, bypassed the electro-magnetic valve and connected the vacuum to the turbine directly - no result, the car goes better, then worse, but in general there is no power, at the second diagnosis, floating packages of DMRV were detected, then 450, after restarting 560, and it happens that during engine operation they jump, and both sensors behave the same old and new, as well as

    turbine boost readings float, at 3000 the RPM is 1270 points, you are already overcharging 1420, and sometimes you can hear it whistling directly on the move, and sometimes it seems to be turned off, there is no sound of work, but the turbine is new and connected directly.

    The Egr was sewn off and muffled for a long time, before the problem appeared, the wiring from the mass air flow sensor to the control unit was intact, the harness was completely unwound, the timing phases were also in place. What could be the matter? Thank you in advance.
    Alia, Dec 25, 2023
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