OIL Consumption

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bob Minchin, Oct 12, 2008.

  1. Bob Minchin

    Bob Minchin Guest

    My Pug 405 1.8i glx 1995 has about 88k miles on the clock. I only do
    50-60 miles per week to and from work and for the last year or so it
    gets through a pint of oil every few weeks. It does not seem to smoke
    unduly nor drip oil on the drive. I've more or less decide to put up
    with it.
    However, this weekend I did a 250 mile round trip at 60-70 mph most of
    the time and I expected to need to add oil during if not after the run.

    I was surprised to find it had hardly used any oil at all.

    Any ideas why slowish short journeys burn oil and long faster ones don't?

    Seems the wrong way round to me.


    Bob Minchin, Oct 12, 2008
  2. Bob Minchin

    G.T Guest

    Just because on short journeys the parts are not up to the right
    temperature, this involving some extra clearance, therefore some oil
    On longer drives, the engine's parts are in position, with nominal
    dilatation and may well not burn any oil.

    I'll tell you a tale, son : at the beginning, I used to drive my 205D on 70
    miles trips, stayed overweek on a car park, then another 70 miles on the way
    back. It drank no oil.
    A bit later, I had to drive it everyday on 15 miles trips, no more... So not
    really the mileage to get it to temp. And then it drank oil.

    Eeeer the fact you don't need any oil after a long trip is a good sign, too
    : oil rings, pistons, valve seals are not worn.

    G.T, Oct 12, 2008
  3. Bob Minchin

    Bob Minchin Guest

    Thanks for the explanation GT
    My normal journeys are 4 miles twice perday.
    I'll have to try and do more long journeys!

    Bob Minchin, Oct 12, 2008
  4. Bob Minchin

    G.T Guest

    So that's it, don't look further.
    You must get an awful MPG out of it in addition :)

    G.T, Oct 12, 2008
  5. Bob Minchin

    Bob Minchin Guest

    Quite possibly. I don't really keep records.
    Gotta get to work somehow - well at least for the next 6 months then I'm
    giving this work lark up for ever!

    Bob Minchin, Oct 12, 2008
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