Oil level risen and very thin.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mandie @k@ Zepherous, Oct 8, 2006.

  1. 405 GLD L reg

    Started the car and it felt a bit rough, I remembered that the oil had been
    between min and max a couple of days ago but decided to check again as I had
    bought oil ready to go in. Upon checking (after wiping stick clean first) I
    found the oil level was above max and very runny. No sign of white or cream
    deposits on filler.

    Any ideas please?
    Mandie @k@ Zepherous, Oct 8, 2006
  2. Mandie @k@ Zepherous

    Fitzy Guest

    if its not head gasket problems then,,,,
    sounds like fuel is getting past the pistons and contaminating the oil,
    must be billowing black smoke also, ????
    Fitzy, Oct 8, 2006
  3. I haven't noticed smoke, but I will get someone to stand behind the car when
    I start it.
    What would cause the fuel to get past the pistons?
    Think it will soon be time for a new car? It has leaks in the door rubbers,
    electrical probs and now this.
    Mandie @k@ Zepherous, Oct 8, 2006
  4. Mandie @k@ Zepherous

    Fitzy Guest

    How old is it,, what mileage is recorded,
    who topped the oil up last and what grade of oil was used,
    what work has been done under the bonnet recently, if any ??
    Fitzy, Oct 8, 2006
  5. It's 13 years old, the engine has done around 62000 miles, the gearbox
    around 2000 and the rest of the car around 250,000.
    A mechanic friend replaced the oil, he used Castrol GTD Plus 10W-40.
    no recent work under the bonnet, last work that was done there was about 6
    months ago, belts and filters.
    It's had an oil leak for some time but we think that is gearbox oil, getting
    a new seal washer and replacing the gearbox oil
    next weekend.
    Mandie @k@ Zepherous, Oct 9, 2006
  6. Mandie @k@ Zepherous

    Fitzy Guest

    Does the car do short or average journeys ??
    Fitzy, Oct 9, 2006
  7. The car does mostly short journies.
    Mandie @k@ Zepherous, Oct 12, 2006
  8. Mandie @k@ Zepherous

    Fitzy Guest

    unless one of the injectors has stuck open,, leaking fuel in to the
    cylinder, this would then run in to the sump and would explain the increase
    in oil level,
    but I would imagine this would also cause the car to run rough with black
    smoke, ??
    Fitzy, Oct 12, 2006
  9. Would that also cause the car to sound a bit rougher?
    Mandie @k@ Zepherous, Oct 14, 2006
  10. Ah, that could be the problem, thanks,
    the guy who usually does the work on my car is on holiday for a week,
    as soon as he gets back I will ask him to check that out.
    I have an electrical prob that we never got to the bottom of so I
    disconnect my battery every night, I don't suppose a faulty injector
    coud cause battery drain ?
    Mandie @k@ Zepherous, Oct 15, 2006
  11. Mandie @k@ Zepherous

    Fitzy. Guest

    Especially if one of the injectors is faulty, this will cause engine to run
    rough , misfire and vibrate,
    Fitzy., Jul 14, 2007
  12. Mandie @k@ Zepherous

    Fitzy. Guest

    I Doubt it very much,
    separate problem,,,,,,
    Fitzy., Jul 15, 2007
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