[OT] Racing 205 Diesel

Discussion in 'Peugeot 205' started by G.T, Feb 9, 2004.

  1. G.T

    G.T Guest

    Hello there,

    I was out on the Web, and looked at the Gumball3000 site
    (www.gumball3000.com), so far the most amazing race I've ever seen. I
    dropped them a line asking if it was possible to run with a 205 Diesel, and
    here's what they said :
    "We would consider taking a 205 Diesel on the rally, please complete the
    application form online at www.gumball3000.com, and someone from the HQ will
    be in contact with you."
    But, what could do a 205D racing a Ferrari 360, a Porsche 996, or even a
    C-Class Merc ? Nothing :)

    Eh eh, it could be fun, even if I'd probably take a DTurbo for that use... A
    guy here (I won't quote his name, but sure he knows who he is) talked of
    using a DTurbo for racing... Wanna give a try ? :)
    G.T, Feb 9, 2004
  2. G.T

    Carl Gibbs Guest

    It just so happens i picked up a 205 Dturbo at the weekend.
    Needs a few jobs done, but nothing too serious. Mechanically the brakes
    need doing as its been sat for a while, and ideally the front dampers need
    doing. Aesthitically it needs some new interior bits as the previous owner
    went a bit made with silver paint. However, it will be doing its first road
    rally this weekend :D
    Carl Gibbs, Feb 9, 2004
  3. G.T

    G.T Guest

    Hello Carl,
    You're the "guy" I was talking about :)
    Nice :) At least as nice as unusual, wanna sign up for the Gumball3000 ?
    G.T, Feb 9, 2004
  4. G.T

    Carl Gibbs Guest

    hmmmmm, i think we may be slightly out-gunned! I do already have an
    intercooler and manifold lined up, but i still dont think that will quite
    get us up to Ferrari standards :(
    Carl Gibbs, Feb 9, 2004
  5. G.T

    G.T Guest

    Have you seen the map ? At least the last shown step (Barcelonna-Cannes) is
    full of tight bends, a good place to play with a powerful 205 (for example,
    a tuned-up DTurbo, a 1.9GTi, my friend's "fully optimized" 1.6GTi (technical
    data on demand), a 309GTi16 (not exported to UK, but imagine a 309GTi with
    the Mi16 engine, sure it rocks), lil' "sensation" car like a 405SRi (full of
    torque, nice indeed), the more radical Mi16, or the ultimate "road warrior"*
    405T16 (the street version, I mean)). Anyway, it's an open-road rally, so
    with the road policy here in France, Ferrari drivers may
    well take some fines... and some stops where your 205 just runs on and on...

    Would really be a great fun :)

    * I know, I used the term of "road warrior" to describe the 405T16, because
    -1/ 200HP delivered to the road thru 4 wheels, out of a 405, must be
    nice ;
    -2/ It's a kind of supercar, I'd even say a myth, as everybody has at
    least heard of it, but not many saw one (I saw one once, but I was far away)
    -3/ Last but not least, many of them were used by the french traffic
    police on motorways - not the case anymore, even if (at least) one was (is
    ?) used around Lyon to chase stolen BMWs.
    G.T, Feb 10, 2004
  6. G.T

    Carl Gibbs Guest

    Lets not forget the extra boost you get (220bhp) for something like
    30seconds when you floor it!

    I saw one last year. A friend spotted it, and i only saw it for a few
    seconds before it drove off :(
    Carl Gibbs, Feb 10, 2004
  7. G.T

    G.T Guest

    Hello Carl,
    I thought it was 10 seconds. It doesn't matter.
    I ingored it was exported to UK. Perhaps the traffic police used it on
    motorways, too :)
    G.T, Feb 11, 2004
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