Pb start 406

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by jacques rebourg, Jul 15, 2006.

  1. Hello
    I made the acquirement a few months ago of a 406
    It sometimes arrives that the motor doesn't want to start without obvious
    Agents Peugeot don't find anything
    One only said to me that maybe the padlock could be in reason, but without
    other explanation.

    One among you would have him knowledge of this kind of problem and how
    to solve it?
    By advance thank you for your suggestions and advice.

    Nota: Excuse my bad english
    jacques rebourg, Jul 15, 2006
  2. jacques rebourg

    Fitzy Guest

    Hi JR
    Find the fan motor, check the black wire, (earth) and the red wire
    connectors, sometimes they get hot and cause bad connections,
    Fitzy, Jul 15, 2006
  3. jacques rebourg

    nigel Guest

    Hmmm, or could he mean the engine doesn't start, and the dealer is
    suggesting that the immobiliser is faulty. And if it is intermittent,
    it could be the aeriel around the ignition lock. Maybe if Jacques
    could repost in French and GT could give us a quick translation??
    nigel, Jul 16, 2006
  4. jacques rebourg

    Fitzy Guest

    I agree,,, come on GT
    Fitzy, Jul 16, 2006
  5. Hi nigel

    Thanks for explications, but what is aeriel? and GT ?

    jacques rebourg, Jul 17, 2006
  6. Hi Fitzy
    Thanks for the advice, but I'm sorry, I don't understand the report between
    the fan and the no-start.
    Explain me if you please
    Thank you again.

    jacques rebourg, Jul 17, 2006
  7. jacques rebourg

    G.T Guest

    They're talking about the transponder's aerial, which is around the Neiman.
    And I am GT :)

    Ils parlent de l'antenne du transpondeur, qui est autour du Neiman.

    205 Diesel & turbo-Diesel : www.205d.com
    G.T, Jul 18, 2006
  8. jacques rebourg

    G.T Guest

    Just found it on another NG, yeah that's it : engine not starting,
    intermittent fault.
    When he brings the car to a Pug dealer they don't find anything, as the car
    works. One of them told him this could come from the steal-lock, but with no
    further explaination.

    Could be the transponder aerial, but I have another (far more vicious, hence
    I prefer this) : neiman's contacts worn out. I guess it's almost the same
    wiring than on Xantia's, and it's a common fault with A/C, as the aircon
    wiring goes thru the lock.
    Almost the same than on "big engine powered" 205s (GTi / D / TD) with heavy
    mileage (but it was starter motor-related), if you see what I mean.

    205 Diesel & turbo-Diesel : www.205d.com
    G.T, Jul 18, 2006
  9. jacques rebourg

    G.T Guest

    Salut Jacques,

    Le démarreur tourne ou pas ?

    205 Diesel & turbo-Diesel : www.205d.com
    G.T, Jul 18, 2006
  10. Hi GT

    Oui le demarreur tourne
    Merci de t'interresser à mon Pb
    Le forum français est très peu fonctionnel d'ou le site alt..
    mais my english is bad.
    jacques rebourg, Jul 18, 2006
  11. I seem to remember that there was mention a while back of ignition keys
    becoming very hot when the fan was running on the 406. Is there a clue here

    Ron Robinson
    R.N. Robinson, Jul 18, 2006
  12. I had the switch on the back of my ignition lock (1998 406) swapped about 2
    1/2 years ago as the aux contacts had burnt out. It started losing the fan
    again occasionally about 6 months ago, and is getting worse. I reckon its
    burnt out again. It does seem a weakness on these!
    John Ricketts, Jul 18, 2006
  13. jacques rebourg

    G.T Guest

    Antidémarrage à clavier ou à transpondeur ?
    Je t'en prie.
    Bah c'est pas grave, on arrive tjs à se débrouiller... Vrai que le forum
    français, j'y passe pas svt non plus.

    205 Diesel & turbo-Diesel : www.205d.com
    G.T, Jul 18, 2006
  14. Hi to all

    Thank you for all your explanations, now I understood the 2 uncertain
    breakdown possibilities and, I am going to ask the mechanics to verify the
    transpondeur and possibly the contacts of Neiman.

    Thank you again
    NB: GT J'ai noté tes coordonnées au cas OU
    jacques rebourg, Jul 18, 2006
  15. jacques rebourg

    G.T Guest

    Possibly, not sure about that, though.

    205 Diesel & turbo-Diesel : www.205d.com
    G.T, Jul 18, 2006
  16. jacques rebourg

    G.T Guest

    Yeah, and I'm surprised, as there doesn't seem to be any official mod / fix.
    I imagine fitting a relay would be a cost-effective & easy fix.

    205 Diesel & turbo-Diesel : www.205d.com
    G.T, Jul 18, 2006
  17. The official fix is to sell you a new ignition switch ever 2 years!
    John Ricketts, Jul 18, 2006

  18. I posted about the key getting hot. After some experimenting by Nigel, and
    comments from others who experienced the same thing, we concluded that it
    was because the blower motor draws its power through the ignition switch.
    Certainly it only happens when the blower is in continuous use (such as the
    current heatwave). Mine is a '99 model, later ones may be different.
    Keith Willcocks, Jul 19, 2006
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