petrol in my diesel tank

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by friendly, Oct 31, 2006.

  1. friendly

    friendly Guest

    hi, i have just done the most stupid thing and put £10 of petrol in my diesel
    406 on the n plate, i didnt realise this untill 15 miles later when my car
    came to a halt, it pulled back a few times before this happened, i tried
    starting the car many times, it did start once but soon stoped again, what
    can i do to rectify this act of maddness and what sort damage have i done?
    can this car be repaired at a resonable cost?
    Diviy Dave
    friendly, Oct 31, 2006

  2. drain the fuel tank, replace the fuel filter
    fill up with diesel, should run fine again

    damage that could have been done is that the fuel pump was not
    lubricated for a while but bosch pump are quite rugged and can stand a
    fair amount of abuse

    oh and yes you are plain stupid, as s my mom and half of my
    friends....( the other half drives petrol)
    Marc Amsterdam, Oct 31, 2006
  3. Mark
    Don't worry
    I have done it with my R plate 406 1.9TDI. In this case I only put in £1
    The solution used here was to fill the tank up completely with diesel and I
    had no problems but then the tank was only a quarter full to start with.
    This was 6 years ago.
    You will probably need to change the fuel filter but first it would be worth
    draining the fuel filter using the hand primer and water drain point. I have
    drained a jerry can of fuel this way in the past but it takes time.
    Michael Roche, Oct 31, 2006
  4. friendly

    Brian Guest

    So many people have done this, so don't worry.
    How much was in the tank before this incident? If it was quite low, then you
    will only have put in max 1/4 of a tank. You need to fill it up with diesel
    ASAP, but you could add a couple of bottles of veggie oil to increase the
    lubricating quality of the fuel.
    Then as suggested, drain the filter and pump up new fuel until you lose the
    neat petrol. Then bleed as usual and it should restart OK and all will be
    I doubt you will ever do it again :)
    Brian, Nov 1, 2006
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