Peugeot 106 cold starting problems

Discussion in 'Peugeot 106' started by ele, Jan 26, 2005.

  1. ele

    ele Guest

    I've got a peugeot 106d on 83,000 and i've been having lots of trouble
    trying to get it to start on cold mornings. The glow plugs have been
    changed and have also been tested and are all working ok, also the fuel
    filter has been changed and pipe replaced that had an air leak.
    When i try to start it it turns over ok but will not fire until eventually
    after about 20/30 seconds (on a good day) it will then splutter and start.
    This isnt the end though, once you've eventually started it it runs very
    badly for the first 5/10minutes and sometimes even cuts out. I am worried
    that all this bad starting every morning is going to damage the
    engine...will this happen?
    The cars been in the garage twice and they havent as yet found anything is going back in tomorrow and i wondered if anyone could
    suggest anything that could be wrong?
    ele, Jan 26, 2005
  2. ele

    Nik&Andy Guest


    Likely the glowplug solenoid has gone, check the resistance of the glowplugs
    and that they are getting power.
    I don't know a lot about this car, but the symptoms describe glow-plug

    Nik&Andy, Jan 26, 2005
  3. ele

    Nik&Andy Guest

    Sorry me again, just looking at your mileage, could also be low compression
    if it hasn't been well looked after.

    Nik&Andy, Jan 26, 2005
  4. ele

    ele Guest

    thanxs for replying, ive only had the car 6 months so i have no idea how
    well it has been treated before i had it. Its an S reg so everything else
    about the car is in good cond. I will suggest these problems to the garage
    as they seem to be having troubles diagnosing what it is.
    thanxs for you help
    ele, Jan 26, 2005
  5. ele

    brian Guest

    If it starts OK when hot, I would suggest that the valve clearances are too
    small. On this engine this has the effect of reducing compression when cold.
    Don't ask me why, but I has exactly the same problem, and did find that the
    valve clearances were too small. I corrected them, and it has started far
    better since. In fact no problems in that area for 30k now.
    brian, Jan 26, 2005
  6. ele

    Mindwipe Guest

    bang on brian
    nice to see someone on the ball for a change
    watch yourself nigel :)
    Mindwipe, Jan 26, 2005
  7. ele

    ele Guest

    Hi Brian, yeah its starts fine when its hot, in fact thats why i didnt know
    it had a problem when i bought it because the weather was hot!...will get
    someone to look at that aswell...thanks for you help
    ele, Jan 26, 2005
  8. ele

    brian Guest

    Only passing on the information I first got from this group. Hope I'm right.
    brian, Jan 28, 2005
  9. ele

    ele Guest

    It looks like you are. garage phoned are pretty sure it was the valve
    clearances and have ordered in the shims. thanks a lot for youe help.
    ele, Jan 29, 2005
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