Peugeot 106 Rev/Power Problems

Discussion in 'Peugeot 106' started by moomzni, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. moomzni

    moomzni Guest

    Lo Guys

    Just recently bought a 2000 106 xn and everything was running fine for a few weeks then i noted erratic rev'ing when driving along which did not co-inside with any action on my part as i wasnt accelerating hard or anything, but i thought nothing more of it. A few weeks have passed since that day and suddenly i find myself with a car with an incredably low idling speed, it almost feels as if it could cut out at any moment and has done so when braking from high speeds or indeed.....changing gears

    Since this has happened there has been a greater frequency of the erratic rev'ing, the bunny hopping effect i think its called where you lose all power....and regain it 3 or 4 times before the engine returns to your control making the car difficult and frankly dangerous to drive

    Ive brought the car to the peugeot dealer and have booked it in for a diag scan but i cant help but feel in being fed some bs' to empty my pocket right before christmas, does anyone know of a similar problem and a suitable solution? Before the car was even hooked upto the machine something was mentioned about a stepper motor, but would this explain the erratic rev'ing ? i dont want to pay hundreds of pounds right before christmas to fix a problem that isnt there, plz help :
    moomzni, Dec 19, 2005
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