Peugeot 205 Diesel Battery Problem

Discussion in 'Peugeot 205' started by mrnicknick, Jun 19, 2005.

  1. mrnicknick

    mrnicknick Guest

    Hi all,

    I’m wondering if someone can help with the following problem?

    I went to change my battery today and without paying too much
    attention disconnected the terminal leads. When i went to re-connect
    them to the new battey, i noticed that the postive terminal connector
    had two wires from it; one that goes to the starter motor and a yellow
    plastic covered 5mm copper lead that was a foot long and had obviously
    corroded over time and was disconnected.

    I cannot now get any power to my car and i don’t know where this cable
    from the postive battery terminal is supposed to go. THe negative
    terminal has two cables, both earth, one to the chasis, one to the
    engine block.

    Does anyone know where this yelllow copper 5mm cable is supposed to be
    connected? Me and a few mates have looked but have no idea.

    Any help is appreciated,

    mrnicknick, Jun 19, 2005
  2. mrnicknick

    Chris Dugan Guest

    I would have thought it would go to the fusebox as it's the live feed for
    the car electrics and ignition system. The other single lead only powers the
    starter motor, so find the fuse/relay box under the bonnet and check the
    connections there. You should have one niceley corroded terminal with a
    small ammount of shiny metal showing where the connector broke off.

    Chris Dugan, Jun 19, 2005
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