Peugeot 306 1,4 XN 1994

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Thomas Kjørsvik Hedlund, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. Hi.

    (mind my bad english)
    I've got some real problems with my 306 engine. (1,4 carburettor engine)
    It all started some month ago with with the [K] lamp starting to light, with
    no problems then...
    A time after the engine startet to misfire a bit now and then..
    Suddenly it started to misfire and run unevenly in all turns....worked all
    right when I was driving strait.

    I desided to renew the plugs and the plug-wire's.
    It seemed to solve all of my problems...for a week.

    Now, the engine starts ok, runs ok at idle.

    Problem :

    - when I step up the gas, the engine works fine for the first 5 mm of the
    gas pedal (ignition is perfect within the first 5 mm part of the gas-pedal)
    when the car stands still. When I should start driving the car(when the
    engine gets more resistanse) it starts to run unevenly and as I passes
    trough 5 mm when the car stands still(not moving), it misfire.. it's like
    its only running one 3 cylinders. So at full throttle it misfire all the
    And, thats where I am now, I cant drive the car....I've got real problems
    with acceleration...takes 1-2 min to build up the speed...but I can maintain
    the speed....because of the first 5 mm of the gas pedal..

    I have also changed the exhaust pipes inclusive the catalyst, because my
    brother(a mechanic) thought it was a problem with (air) thight exhaust

    What could be the problem... any Ideas??? need more explanation, pleese
    reply to med!!!!!

    Thanks for all answers.

    Thomas Kjørsvik Hedlund, Jun 22, 2005
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