Peugeot 306 air conditioning and coolant

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Shortspud, Aug 7, 2004.

  1. Shortspud

    Shortspud Guest

    Sorry if this is noddy stuff for you guys, but I don't know if my car has a
    problem or not. When I use the aircon on my 306 for any length of time, I
    notice water dripping from beneath the car neat the engine bulkhead. I'm
    not certain whether its engine coolant (tho' the coolant level seems to
    stay okay), or just waste water collected by the aircon. I don't want to
    get ripped off by a garage, but don't want my car to blow up on the
    motoway either. Any help appreciated.
    Shortspud, Aug 7, 2004
  2. Shortspud

    Terrytubby Guest


    If I remember right, it's usually roughly in the centre of the car, directly
    under where the heater matrix is located.

    It's normal, but it won't hurt keeping a check on things just in case
    Terrytubby, Aug 7, 2004
  3. Shortspud

    Chris Guest

    It is highly likely its only the air-con my 307 does the same thing. Some
    days its worse than others, I was told high humidity increases the
    condensation. This is one of the reasons it should be run on a regular basis
    to stop any mouldy smells occuring when the system is required.
    Chris, Aug 7, 2004
  4. Shortspud

    Allan Thams Guest


    The dripping is 99% from the air con. Cooling down air will cause
    condensation because cold air can include less moist than hot air.A hose
    near the evapourator will let the water drip from under the car. At a hot
    and moist day you will notice water dripping from under the car. On my 406
    the pipe is visible if the as tray is removed.

    Haappy 307 driving.

    Allan Thams, Aug 8, 2004
  5. Shortspud

    Shortspud Guest

    Guys - thanks, you've put my mind at rest. Regrds.
    Shortspud, Aug 9, 2004
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