Peugeot 306 DTurbo

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Mark, Aug 29, 2004.

  1. Mark

    Mark Guest

    At the rear of the car (drivers side) Next to the shock of the back
    suspension there is a little mechanism with a spring ..

    Can anyone tell me what this does and if it needs replacing after a while ?

    Mine seems to be a bit loose and possibly causing a rattle


    Mark, Aug 29, 2004
  2. Mark

    Mindwipe Guest

    rear brake pressure regulator(compensator)
    Mindwipe, Aug 29, 2004
  3. When I took my 306 to the local garage for a brake fluid leak, they
    first checked the back brakes (assumed it was brake cylinder) and found
    that this regulator was stuck. They fixed this (along with the leak,
    which turned out to be a front hose - doh, I could have fixed that!),
    and since then the brake pedal has been a bit odd. If I have my foot
    very lightly on the brake and the car goes over a bump then the brake
    pedal drops slightly. It's like the bump is moving the regulator
    slightly. There's no difference in brake performance, and I'm used to it
    now. Bit weird for a bit though.
    mike. buckley, Aug 31, 2004
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