Peugeot 306 - K Light again..

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Rob Morse, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. Rob Morse

    Rob Morse Guest


    I have a P reg 1.6 306 Meridian. When running the engine without any
    acceleration, so just cruising at 30 or so in 5th gear, and I turn on
    the air-con or fans, the K light appears after a few seconds. It then
    disapears when I either give the car more gas, or turn the fans off.
    I was told once that this could be because I am adding extra strain to
    the engine, and the fuel sensors think the engine is running rich??

    I know that the obvious solution is not to run the car at close to
    idle speeds when having the air-con on, but does anyone think I should
    be worried?

    Everything else seems to be running fine, it is due for a 63,000 mile
    service though, (about 1000 overdue)...


    Rob Morse, Aug 6, 2004
  2. Rob Morse

    Tim Anderson Guest

    acceleration, so just cruising at 30 or so in 5th gear, and I turn on

    Best solution would be to stop driving at 30 in 5th, this causes untold
    unnecessary damage to the gearbox.

    Tim Anderson, Aug 6, 2004
  3. Rob Morse

    Milos Guest

    I know that this probably sounds like a stupid question, but sice I am
    a fresh owner of a pug306 (used car without any tech books or
    manuals), I have to ask... what does K light mean.... when it is on

    Milos, Aug 8, 2004
  4. Rob Morse

    Rob Morse Guest


    My light is in the middle of the top of my dashboard. Orange light
    that looks like an engine block with a black K in the middle of it.
    As far as I know it lights up to tell you when the engine managment
    computer is having "issues"...

    Mine comes on for a few seconds everytime I start the car.


    Rob Morse, Aug 9, 2004
  5. (Rob Morse) wrote in
    At the risk of repeating a previous poster...
    30mph in 5th? That's gotta hurt. I couldn't do that to my 306. :)
    southpawArcher, Aug 11, 2004
  6. Rob Morse

    Rob Morse Guest

    I have to defend myself here.. I only did it by mistake, light came
    on, so tried to recreate it... Yes, that was stupid of me..

    Just out of interest, light doesn't come on when I don't do stupid
    things. So my conclusion seems to be, don't do stupid things...

    While I am here, anyone know any good garages in Cambridge area?

    Rob Morse, Aug 13, 2004
  7. Rob Morse

    G.T Guest

    I'm affraid it isn't a K but the symbol of a transistor. A NPN-bipolar
    transistor, to give a complete answer.
    G.T, Aug 15, 2004
  8. Rob Morse

    Rob Morse Guest

    Not a very good one, is lacking the junction somewhat, but I get the meaning...

    Still looks like an engine block with a black K in it though.

    Rob Morse, Aug 17, 2004
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