peugeot 306 td loss of turbo

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by scfc_151, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. scfc_151

    scfc_151 Guest

    Recently I noticed that my 1995 306 td has lost some of its torque. I
    can here a 'blowing' type noise when going above 2500rpm. The power is
    ok it still gets up hills without having to change down but it doesnt
    throw your head back like it used to.

    Any ideas?

    Ive checked all hoses around the intercooler but no cracks. I also
    noticed that the hose in the middle of the intercooler at the front
    (leads to the front of the fuel pump) was full of oil. Can someone
    tell me what this hose does and what it goes to. Theres a disc shaped
    object that im not sure about.

    I have some mechanical knowledge but not a great deal although i am

    scfc_151, Jun 20, 2006
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