Peugeot 306- Unable to lock

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by FEZ, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. FEZ

    FEZ Guest

    Hi can anybody help!?!

    I’ve got a Pug 306TD and it won’t lock. No matter if i use the remote
    manually put key in lock it locks then unlocks!!!

    Has anybody got any ideas??

    FEZ, Apr 3, 2007
  2. This has come up on the group before. I seem to remember that it usually
    turns out to be in the wiring loom where it goes into the door and is
    subject to wear.
    Keith Willcocks, Apr 3, 2007
  3. FEZ

    Rich80105 Guest

    I had mine (96 model) fixed in the last week. The part is apparently
    is no longer a full door loom but a shorter length of multiple wires,
    each of which needed to be connected with the correct existing wire -
    and wires are of course not labelled. The job took 4.5 hours, although
    I was not charged for all of them.
    Rich80105, Apr 4, 2007
  4. Basically, there must be a short in the wiring loom at one of the
    doors giving the appearance as if the door is still open.. Isnt your
    courtesy light staying on though ? I would have thought it would if
    that happened.

    Im sure you could find the dodgy wires with a bit of investigation.

    Good luck
    fairlyclueless, Apr 5, 2007
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