Peugeot 306 +ve supply to ignition switch

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Dave English, Jan 31, 2005.

  1. Dave English

    Dave English Guest

    I have just seen what seemed a very strange fault on a Peugeot 306, S1,
    1.9 Diesel.

    The car stopped and would not start. I found there was no electric
    power in the car when the ignition was turned to position 1 (or 2 or 3
    for that matter). Then I saw that just occasionally the was the odd
    flicker on instrument light at position 1.

    When I checked with a meter, I found that there were two +ve supply
    wires to the ignition switch, one of them dropped close to 0 volts when
    the ignition was turned to position "1". No disturbance of the wires at
    the battery +ve end would make any difference, but giggling the wires at
    the ignition switch end would sometimes caused the flicker. I excluded
    the connectors to the ignition switch, the voltage at the loom end of it
    was dropping.

    After looking at the circuit diagram (well, actually 405 S2 circuit
    diagram Haynes BOL) I found that the good supply was for heated rear
    window only & the weak one for the rest of the car. The diagram shows a
    single supply from the battery +ve until & then a connection joint to
    source the two +ve supply wires to the switch. Once I understood this,
    I could just bridge the two supply wires at the switch to get the car

    Has anyone come across the same? Does anyone know where the connection
    in the loom. I don't really want to remove the console just to see _if_
    I can find it!

    Dave English, Jan 31, 2005
  2. Dave English

    adamxx24 Guest

    i have what sounds like a very simalar problem on my 306 today have no life
    on the ignition at all not even a flicker yet the hazards and head lights
    work just dead as a dodo on the ignition any thoughts anyone very very
    adamxx24, Feb 23, 2005
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