Peugeot 405 1994 Alarm Deactivation-Please Help

Discussion in 'Peugeot 405' started by Tsidi, May 8, 2006.

  1. Tsidi

    Tsidi Guest

    I have a 1994 Peugeot 405, I thought my alarm was deactivated but this
    morning it just started making noise.. My key does not work and I have tried
    to find the key deactivation under the bonnet. I also dis connected the two
    wires underneath the drivers seat but I have electronic seat adjustments so
    all that did was disconnect the seat and not the alarm. I found two wires in
    the engine that I removed but now the car will not start. Could someone
    please let me know how I can solve this problem.. Please Please Please...Help.
    Tsidi, May 8, 2006
  2. Tsidi

    remdaeism Guest

    This is what you do on a 106 and this does work. Hopefully the
    software on the 405 is of the same generation:


    For future reference for others:

    Close all doors.

    Place key in ignition so radio comes on.
    turn off ignition.

    repeat 3 times.

    then start up engine.

    The hazards will flash really fast for a few seconds.

    Alarm is now reset.

    Hope this works
    remdaeism, May 11, 2006
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