PEUGEOT 406 1.9 LX DT 1998

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by brithepi2k, Jun 17, 2008.

  1. brithepi2k

    brithepi2k Guest

    hi there just serviced my car but i don't know where the diesel fuel filter
    is located can anyone please guide me ???

    thanks :)
    brithepi2k, Jun 17, 2008
  2. brithepi2k

    malc Guest

    Unfortunately my Haynes is in the car and my wife's driving it at present.
    But assuming it's the standard XUD lump then it'll be at the front of the
    engine to the left. Usually in a black plastic cylinder stylee cannister
    with four 4mm cap head screws holding the lid on.

    I said "Oh pretty maid I think you done me wrong"
    I said "Oh pretty maid I think you done me wrong"
    "You just wait there boy, I'll do you right after evensong"
    Sid Kipper
    malc, Jun 17, 2008
  3. hi m8 thanks alot i found a black canister thing towards the passener side
    with a pipe coming out of it
    and 4 allen keys bolts so maybe its inside that

    thanks alot
    brithepi2k via, Jun 17, 2008
  4. brithepi2k

    Nigel Guest

    Open the drain screw first (with the pipe attached) before you undo
    the allen key bolts. Less messy that way!
    Nigel, Jun 18, 2008
  5. hi m8 do i need to fill the canister with diesel when i put the filter in
    or does it fill itself when i turn the car over ??

    thanks alot for your help :)
    brithepi2k via, Jun 18, 2008
  6. brithepi2k

    malc Guest

    It will fill but it's best to prime the system. On the diesel feed to
    the filter there will be a bulb (like the ones on blood pressure
    meautring wotsits [1]) that you can squeeze to pump fuel into the
    filter. Pump this until it goes hard (ooer Mrs). Crank the engine
    over. It will probably start then it may die. Repeat the procedure a
    few times possibly squeezing the bulb whilst cranking the engine if
    you have an assistant. Eventually you'll get the air out of the
    malc, Jun 18, 2008
  7. brithepi2k

    malc Guest

    Aargh!! The footnot fairy has struck.

    That should read "measuring wotsits [1]"

    [1] Sphygmanometers
    malc, Jun 18, 2008
  8. brithepi2k

    G.T Guest


    I totally agree with that.
    These cars are fit with the latest fuel filter type, in the small, black,
    cylindric plastic housing. The priming pump allows to fill in the filter
    with no tools. Upon pressing it a couple of times, you'll hear the air being
    pulled out of the fuel system.
    I never missed a priming with my good old '93 205, and still I changed the
    fuel filter a dozen of times.

    G.T, Jun 18, 2008
  9. hi m8 i found the correct thing filter goes in and the primer pump thing
    there is also a clear pipe hanging down i think its coming from the fuel
    filter thing
    its only connected to the engine end other not connected to nothing so i am
    its some sort of breather pipe
    or for emtying the diesel out to change filter
    i dunno wether these cars are good or bad but for £200 with service history
    and 90k on the clock it must be a steal lol

    thanks for your help guys you sure know your stuff :)
    are you clever enough to crack the original radio cassette code ???

    brithepi2k via, Jun 19, 2008
  10. brithepi2k

    Keith W Guest

    If you go back and read Nigel's post he tells you about that pipe and the
    Keith W, Jun 19, 2008
  11. hi does anyone know if the clock that tells u the mileage has a bulb
    i can only see the mileage the car has done in daylight but night time
    with lights on i can't see any and whats involved how hard to change the
    bulb for it

    thanks :cool:
    brithepi2k via, Jun 21, 2008
  12. brithepi2k

    Keith W Guest

    From Mr Haynes:
    Clock Removal
    1) Disconnect battery negative terminal.
    2) Taking great care not to danage the clock or fascia, gently prise the
    clock out of position and disconnect it from the wiring

    Clock Illumination Bulb
    1) Remove the clock (see above)
    2) Using a pair of pliers, twist the bulb holder through 90 degrees and
    remove it from the side of the clock

    There is no mention of the type of bulb so you will have to find that out
    the hard way.
    Keith W, Jun 21, 2008
  13. brithepi2k

    malc Guest

    I think you'll find that's for the clock, not what the OP wanted, which is
    the odometer.

    To get to that you'll need to get the instrument panel out which is a bit
    more complicated I think.
    malc, Jun 21, 2008
  14. brithepi2k

    malc Guest

    Have you not thought about buying a Haynes?
    malc, Jun 21, 2008
  15. brithepi2k

    Chris Guest

    And why should he buy a Haynes? when he has got the group to help out .
    is that what we do is help other people.if not it not worth having this
    group running or being a member of this group.
    Chris, Jun 21, 2008
  16. brithepi2k

    malc Guest

    Oh jump off your high horse for a minute. It was just a bit of friendly
    advice. Although all the bits he asked about are in fact answered in Haynes
    BoLs and bits that he asked about and the group were unable to help him

    I said "Oh pretty maid I think you done me wrong"
    I said "Oh pretty maid I think you done me wrong"
    "You just wait there boy, I'll do you right after evensong"
    Sid Kipper
    malc, Jun 21, 2008
  17. yes your correct guys the odometer i like how you say prize it off there is
    screw plus part of the dash looks like it will need to come off around the
    heating system in total i see 3 screws

    thanks guys :)
    brithepi2k via, Jun 22, 2008
  18. its easy to say just pull things apart i don't think haynes manual says that
    brithepi2k via, Jun 22, 2008
  19. brithepi2k

    malc Guest

    It does but in a rather more correct manner :). It also says things like
    assembly is the reverse of disassembly. Or in this case assembly is a case
    of pushing things back together.

    I said "Oh pretty maid I think you done me wrong"
    I said "Oh pretty maid I think you done me wrong"
    "You just wait there boy, I'll do you right after evensong"
    Sid Kipper
    malc, Jun 22, 2008
  20. brithepi2k

    Keith W Guest

    Funnily enough I just got a letter from the opticians saying that I am due
    for a sight test (free at my age).
    Keith W, Jun 22, 2008
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