Peugeot 406 2.0 SE Coupe speedo problem

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by GAZ666, Jul 18, 2005.

  1. GAZ666

    GAZ666 Guest

    Hi, i've read through pages and pages of previous topics and have come
    to the conclusion that it must be the speedo transducer (if mine has
    the right part)...

    my speedo works on and off, its had a new sensor on the gearbox and a
    new set of instrument dials! and still not working properly.....

    the only thing i wanted to check is that alot of the 406's have black
    boxes behind the glove box, but mine hasn't got a black one, its a
    silver box which was hrld in with a screw, but still has the same wires
    going to it, look at these pics to show what i'm on about....

    could this still be the problem of my woes......??

    pls help
    GAZ666, Jul 18, 2005
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