Peugeot 406 and the Confidential Card

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Peter Davis, Feb 15, 2005.

  1. Peter Davis

    Peter Davis Guest

    Hi - have just bought an X-reg (2000) 406 Estate but the seller didn't have
    the Confidential Card referred to in the manual. I'm not intending to use
    Peugeot to service the car from now on but are the garage that I will use
    likely to have an issue when, say, disconnecting the battery ?



    BTW - A Peugeot dealer has quoted me £40 for a new card - does that seem
    reasonable ?
    Peter Davis, Feb 15, 2005
  2. £40 excluding VAT?..

    Plus the labour...

    Plus VAT...

    [strokes chin, sharp intake of breath]...

    southpawArcher, Feb 17, 2005
  3. Peter Davis

    salty Guest

    just got a used 206 today - NO CARD, will contact seller tomorrow to
    chase it up, just wondering if you got yours sorted, where and cost.

    cheers for your time

    salty, Mar 7, 2005
  4. Peter Davis

    Keith Guest

    What is the confidential card for? My wife has a 1998 306 and I have a 1999
    406 and both have cards which have never been used and that includes me
    fitting a new battery on the 306 last month. Both cars are serviced
    regularly but, like I said, the cards have never been used. Anyone know
    what it is for?
    Keith, Mar 8, 2005
  5. I believe it's for the keycode, ie. if you lose both your keys, you give
    the main dealer the card (and write them a blank cheque), and they will
    provide and 'program' one or more spare keys based on the code from the
    concealed strip on the card, which is specific to your car.

    And don't forget to thank them for the privilege of parting with £££s.
    southpawArcher, Mar 8, 2005
  6. Peter Davis

    Keith Guest

    I think it is extremely nice of them to lighten my wallet so that it does
    not strain me to carry it ;o)

    Thanks for the explanation, that explains why I have never used it (yet!!).
    Keith, Mar 9, 2005
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