Peugeot 406 over revving on idle

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Scorpius, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. Scorpius

    Scorpius Guest

    My 406 (1.8 petrol) has literally just started to over rev on idle.
    It is usually around the 750 mark but has begin to go up and down the
    rev counter from around 2000 to over 3000. it also jerks on
    decelerating as if the cables are sticking (but this is not the case
    as can be seen from the idle issue).
    Has anyone any idea what this might be (Local Peugeot dealer & garages
    all shut at mid day saturday - like cars don’t go wrong on a weekend!)
    Any ideas would be appreciated.
    Scorpius, Apr 3, 2007
  2. Scorpius

    Scorpius Guest

    Think I found part of the problem.
    Engine was out of oil!!! :(
    Put some in & is running OK now.
    Must remember to check this more regularly.
    Scorpius, Apr 3, 2007
  3. Scorpius

    Bob Minchin Guest

    I have the same engine in my 405. It is almost certainly the idle control
    valve sticking. I clean it every now & then when it plays up. One day I will
    stop being a tightarse and buy a new one.
    It is right on top of the engine righthand side near the coil pack. Two fat
    hoses and an electrical connector.

    Bob Minchin, Apr 3, 2007
  4. Scorpius

    Nigel Guest

    Except on the 406 it's called a stepper motor and is on the throttle
    housing fixed with two torx 20 screws. Remove and clean with brake
    cleaner and also spray some cleaner into where it fits. Dry as much as
    possible and replace. It may be worth initialising it to the ECU.
    Switch the ignition on for 10 seconds, then off for 10 seconds then on
    again for 10 seconds then start the engine. You may need to full
    throttle it to get it going to get rid of the excess brake cleaner.
    Then it should run ok. If it still idles up and down, try the
    initialising again but disconnect the battery for a couple of minutes
    Nigel, Apr 3, 2007
  5. Scorpius

    Ken Guest

    This thread interested me because my 406, which has never been a
    problem in this area, has, from the start, had a habit of quietly
    reving a bit every 3-5 minutes or so when idling for long periods. You
    know -- stuck in traffic. I have a theory that it is something the
    engine management system does for some good reason.

    Apart from that I will print out Nigel's post and tuck it away in case.
    Ken, Apr 5, 2007
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