PEUGEOT TECHNICAL TRAINING / WORKSHOP MANUALS. These manuals are packed full of specifications and other useful manufacture information for the Peugeot 505 & 405 vehicles and are essential for any Peugeot enthusiast restoring or maintaining their classic Peugeot vehicles. Listed below are the various manuals w/ quantity available & price per manual. 1) PEUGEOT 405 TECHNICAL TRAINING MANUAL - $50.00 + S/H 2) 405 GENERAL INFORMATION & REPAIR - $25.00 + S/H 3) SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS 405 and 505 MODELS - 3 @ $25.00 each + S/H 4) L-JETRONIC FUEL INJECTION ALL MODELS - 2 @ $25.0 0 each + S/H 5) ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING ALL MODELS- 3 @ $25.00 each + S/H 6) SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS ALL MODELS - $25.00 + S/H 7) PEUGEOT SERVICE BULLETINS ALL MODELS 1989 to 1991 - $25.00 + S/H