photocard driving licence

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by species8350, Aug 2, 2004.

  1. species8350

    species8350 Guest

    I recently received my first photocard licence.

    It is a credit sized card, so it looks like it should be kept in the
    wallet. Yet it says that the paper licence and the card should be kept
    together. So, is it meant to carry, or leave at home with the paper

    I was also surprised at how small my signature appears on the card. I
    know its reduced, but its difficult to read. The paper signature
    although small is much more readable (obtained from the same source).
    Have you had this experience as well?

    Best wishes.

    species8350, Aug 2, 2004
  2. species8350

    ph12 Guest

    The government planned it so bound to be f------ up
    ph12, Aug 3, 2004
  3. species8350

    Neil D Guest

    I travelled 20 miles to hire a van using my card licence, and was refused,
    told I needed the paper licence, so the whole thing seems a bit of a waste
    of time to me,

    Neil D, Aug 3, 2004
  4. species8350

    species8350 Guest

    Thanks for responding

    Can either of you read your signatures on the card (or see them properly)

    species8350, Aug 4, 2004
  5. species8350

    Phil Cook Guest

    It's a typical government agency cum freedom of information cum civil
    liberties balls up. The information on the paper licence was supposed
    to be on a magnetic stripe on the photocard.[1] But as you couldn't
    read what it says there they have kept the paper licence as the
    repository for all the endorsements so you (and the hire firms) can
    read them. All the photocard does is show what you looked like when
    you applied for it, a bit like a passport, which I keep with my paper
    licence since I don't have a photocard yet.

    [1] there is a space for the stripe on the back but it wasn't put on.
    Phil Cook, Aug 4, 2004
  6. species8350

    Gunslinger Guest

    You're meant to keep the two parts together in the wallet provided. Whether
    you carry this around with you or leave it at home is up to you, but neither
    part is valid without the other.

    Pretty obviously the card part can't show details of any endorsements and by
    itself is therefore no use to police officers, car hire firms, etc. It's
    purpose is to provide visual confirmation that you are the holder of the
    license and to meet EU requirements (also removing the need for an IDP for
    some countries/circumstances). The address and signature do not need to be
    larger as anybody needing this info gets it from the paper part.

    It's also pretty useful to carry as general ID, although carrying it around
    in a back pocket wallet for any length of time causes the paper part either
    to adhere to the plastic, or to come apart at the seams, or both!

    Gunslinger, Aug 8, 2004
  7. species8350

    species8350 Guest

    Thanks for the response.

    The DVLA no longer supply plastic wallets.

    All the best

    species8350, Aug 9, 2004
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