Pinking conclusion??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Carl Collins, Mar 2, 2004.

  1. Carl Collins

    Carl Collins Guest

    After all of the recent arguing between some people in here about pinking
    has anyone made a decision?
    Carl Collins, Mar 2, 2004
  2. Carl Collins

    Carl Gibbs Guest

    Listen to Dave, he's a very intelligent bloke and knows all there is to know
    about engines! One look at his site will confirm this. It may be basic to
    look at but its the content that matter - a very interesting read!
    I'm not pretending i know that much about pinking (i drive a diesel so its a
    way of life :)), but i've never heard the description Steve gave in his post
    (before all the arueing started).
    Carl Gibbs, Mar 2, 2004
  3. Indeed. There's a lot of rubbish being talked about the subject but I
    believe a lot of it boils down to how you define pinking. As far as I'm
    concerned, it's caused by pockets of fuel combusting early, before the flame
    front gets there (it's best to think of a spark plug ignition creating a
    flame front moving in a wave motion rather than the more simple 'explosion'
    happening in the engine - you don't want it explode!). There can be a number
    of different reasons for this happening and also different things which
    sound like pinking. Of course, if you define pinking as something different
    to this (I always used to get confused with pre- and post-ignition). To me,
    pinking is a funny thing to call anything anyway and it seems to me like
    people use it as a rather vague description of 'something rattling in the
    Whatever, Dave Baker has been posting on various automotive newsgroups for
    years now and I've never had reason to call into doubt anything he says - I
    think I may have had one of my posts called into doubt by him a few years
    ago and found him to be absolutely correct on the subject... I think it had
    something to do with optimum gear-change points and torque vs. BHP - a flame
    war which waged for a long time until Dave posted his definitive conclusions
    on the subject.
    If I could afford it, I'd send my XU engine down to him in a flash ;)

    Chris Barnard, Mar 3, 2004
  4. Carl Collins

    Marc Guest

    Hi Chris how is your 305 these days
    though i dont drive it as much anymore :-(
    mine is still pinking.....


    Marc, Mar 3, 2004
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